Uchiha Yun no longer cared about anything, and directly bit his finger and pressed it on the ground: "Summoning Technique!"

Uchiha Yun's movements directly made Senju Butsuma vigilant.

A puff of smoke flashed, and Senju Butsuma stared blankly at the little fluffy thing on Uchiha Yun's hand.

"This thing...what combat effectiveness can it have?"

Uchiha Yun didn't explain at all, sneered, took the hair ball in his hand and waved it and shouted, "Transform!"

Senju Butsuma: "............??????"

Uchiha Daigo: "......???"

The hair ball disappeared into Uchiha Yun's clothes with a brush.

Then a pair of demon horns appeared on Uchiha Yun's forehead.

If there is any other change, it should be that the skin has become whiter.

His changes made Senju Butsuma and Uchiha Dago stunned.

Senju Butsuma said speechlessly: "Is there really a transformation? What the hell is this transformation?"

Uchiha Daigo was also at a loss: "Can the Uchiha clan still be transformed?"

Without giving them a chance to react, Uchiha clouded directly: "Sage Art·Great Fireball Technique!"

Uchiha Daigo: "What the hell is this? It feels a little different."

Senju Butsuma also felt a different breath from this huge Great Fireball.

Feeling the sharp increase in temperature, the two of them didn't dare to push it up, so they went out of the way.

boom! ! ! ! !

The Great Fireball exploded violently.

A huge pit was directly blown out of the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters. The red boulder burned in the pit showed the great power of this Great Fireball.

Cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Daigo and Senju Butsuma's foreheads.

If it's an ordinary Great Fireball, they won't be a big problem.

But this Great Fireball will die if you touch it.

Uchiha Yun coughed dryly: "Ahem, sorry, I misplaced the skill, I'll try it again."

"Sage Art·Extinguish the fire!"

Seeing the seal of Uchiha Yun, the cold sweat of the two old ghosts broke out.

This is a large-scale ninjutsu, and it wouldn't happen if it was hard-wired in the original situation, but there will be problems after this guy transforms.

The fire style of this special cat is simply not a person can stand it.

Senju Butsuma hastened to seal the seal: "Water Style·Water Barrier!"

Uchiha Dawu was stunned. The Senju clan knew Water Style and Earth Style, and both had defensive ninjutsu.

But his Chakra is only Fire Style, how?

Looking left and right, Uchiha Dawu can only quickly find a rock and hide.

The flame that swallowed everything raged by.

Senju Butsuma and Uchiha Daigo are miserable.

The Water Style released by Senju Butsuma has started to heat up, and if it is burned for a while, it will be able to boil water.

But there is no other way, I can only keep defending like this.

Uchiha Dawu was even worse, the raging flames raging along with the billowing smoke.

Although he couldn't burn him directly, he couldn't stand the surrounding temperature a bit, and his sweat was very low.

Finally, the flame went out, and the two sighed in relief.

This little pervert is too pervert, but the two don't join hands.

Senju Butsuma wanted to join forces, but Uchiha Taigo wouldn't give him a chance to join forces at all.

Senju Butsuma is a little anxious: "Let's kill this kid together and beat you to death, can't you? If you don't cooperate, both of you will die!"

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Dawu laughed: "My clan has such a talented kid, that is the luck of my clan. I am still resisting because I don’t want to die yet, but I want to join hands with you to kill my clan’s genius, do you think Is it possible? Even if we are dead enemies, that is also an internal matter of my Uchiha. Let me and an outsider join forces to kill the genius in my family. What do you think I am!"

Senju Butsuma was anxious, he didn't want to die.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha Dawu, an old ghost, would rather die than join hands with him.

"Dawu Uchiha, don't pretend to be so polite. Although I don't have that detailed information about yours, you should have a lot of geniuses who died. Now you are telling me these things? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Uchiha Dawu shook his head: "Yes, I have indeed killed a lot of geniuses, but they are just geniuses, not strong, Uchiha, the most indispensable is genius."

Senju Butsuma looked at Uchiha Dago in disbelief, what's the matter with this guy?

Is it poisonous, it's actually whitening at this time?

You know, this product was originally for the upper ranks, but it has worked with the Senju clan.

Now he looks upright and upright?

It's almost written on my face that I am a good person.

However, he actually understood very well.

A strong family is not only in its benefits, but also in glory.

Just like him, for the sake of the family, the son can die, just for the strength of the family.

He no longer put his mind here, turned his head and looked around, trying to find some way to escape.

Uchiha Yun came directly to him, staring at Senju Butsuma with scarlet eyes.

Senju Butsuma was startled, and quickly lowered his head without looking at Uchiha Yun's eyes.

Taking this opportunity, Uchiha Yun's feet wrapped in Chakra slammed into Senju Butsuma's stomach.

The huge explosive force directly kicked Senju Butsuma away, and a deep gully was plowed directly on the ground.

Senju Butsuma also wowed a mouthful of blood.

Turning his head, Uchiha Yun looked at Uchiha Daigo.

Uchiha Dawu's eyes were dim, and he put down the kunai in his hand.

His face still has a calm expression: "Although Uchiha has lost a patriarch-level person, as long as you are there, I don't think I need to bother about Uchiha's future."

After speaking, he closed his eyes and waited quietly for Uchiha Yun's sanction.

When I came to Uchiha Dawu, Uchiha Yun did not relax, he was afraid that Uchiha Dawu would use bitter tricks.

But Uchiha Dago hasn't made any movement, and just closed his eyes quietly.

Uchiha Yun sighed.

After all, this guy has always done his best with Uchiha, and has always been doing his best to the outside world.

Ruthless on the outside and ruthless on the inside.

What can Uchiha Yun say, most of Uchiha's people are such paranoia.

In order to achieve one's own goals, he will do whatever he can, even sacrificing some of the things he cares about.

Uchiha Dawu’s obsession may be power.

Raising his hand, Uchiha Yun didn't hesitate, and stabbed Dago Uchiha's heart with a knife.

Uchiha Daigo slowly fell to the ground, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"I knew that today, I would still make that choice."

Uchiha Yun didn't look back, but just nodded slightly: "I know, if there were no such reasons, maybe I would have made the same choice, your way, you chose the wrong way."

Uchiha Daigo's eyes flickered, and he faced the sky.

"Am I wrong? I really want to know the reason."

"It's a pity that I can't see the powerful era of Uchiha. It's not a pity. With this kid, I should be able to take Uchiha to dominate the Ninja world."

Countless memories flashed through my mind one by one.

Thinking of the people he killed, I also thought of the people who killed him.

His expression changed from a wry smile to helplessness.

"It turns out...I...I'm such a bad...a person, if..."

Looking at Uchiha Dawu who lost his life, Uchiha Yun shook his head and slowly said, "There is no if in life."

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