The Three Gods Of Konoha

Chapter 143 Bring it!

Madara embraced her chest with her arms around her chest, and looked at the ninja in front of her calmly: "Yun, is this a big trouble?"

Uchiha Yun also looked at the large number of ninjas opposite, with no expression on his face.

"Ah, I didn't expect the Yuyi clan to join in."

"Maybe it's your speciality that caught their attention."

Uchiha Yun didn't reply, just glanced at Madara quietly.

The number of ninjas from the other party really exceeded Uchiha Yun's imagination.

Are those damn intelligence guys betraying Uchiha?

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the Yeyue clan to overwhelm all the ninjas, and a few hundred people will grab a mine and it will be done.

The opponent is not just Youyu Zhiba an enemy.

But now, there are at least three thousand ninjas on the opposite side.

Most of the ninjas are from the costumes of those guys from the Hakata clan.

There is still a small part, I don't know which small families belong to, but there are many families.

This is already a coalition army.

Uchiha Yun had a headache. He didn't seem to have reached the level of one dozen three thousand. The other party sent so many people. Obviously, he brought so many more people because of his own intelligence.

After he has ten times the strength of ninjutsu, few single ninjutsu can compare to oneself, and few group ninjutsu can compare to oneself.

But if it costs a dozen or even a few thousand, it is really idiotic.

Most of the opponent's people didn't bring weapons, obviously they came to fight against Gang Ninjutsu.

"Or, let's retreat, find a terrain that is good for us, or retreat to the family and rely on the wall to resist these people." After speaking, Uchiha Yun looked at Madara.

After seeing Madara's expression, he knew he had said it for nothing.

Madara's expression was abnormally ferocious, her eyes exuded with enthusiasm, her eyes scorching at the coalition on the opposite side.

"If this group of people can be destroyed, Uchiha will usher in extremely rapid development, and the time has come for Uchiha to expand again to a larger scale."

Madara's voice trembled.

Among these people, he saw many familiar families, all of which were close to Uchiha.

If these families are destroyed at once, Uchiha can swallow each other.

There is no doubt that Uchiha has the ability to hold those territories.

With the site, Kawasaki can provide Uchiha with more money and resources.

With these, the Uchiha clan can implement family planning and have children frantically.

In ten years at most, Uchiha will be able to have a large number of new generations. Ten-year-old children can also be on the battlefield if they are cruel.

After twenty years, no one can beat Uchiha.

Uchiha clouded a little helplessly: "I understand the truth, but what did you break the other party?"

Madara took a surprised look. Uchiha said, "The two of us..."

Uchiha Yun was shocked, how could it be possible? ? ?

Long-term assassination is okay, just go up like this, how is it possible!

"Of course not, so we need tactics."

Madara glanced at it, and Uchiha didn't know what to say. Isn't this nonsense, but he didn't think it was good. The difference in strength was too great.

Madara showed a row of white teeth and gave a thumbs up to Uchiha Yun: "Come on, I believe you!"

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yun was stupid, you believe me?

Why do you believe me?

I don't believe in myself, you actually said to believe in me! ! !

What Uchiha Yun just wanted to say, Madara didn't know where to get a drawing.

Uchiha Yun saw that no one could speak anymore, and his chin was shocked to the ground.

This is a topographic map, bounded by Uchiha's current location.

A super mountain range tens of thousands of meters long appeared at their feet.

Below is the direction of the Yeyue Allied Forces.

A hundred meters high cliff is ahead.

On the edge of the cliff there is a building like the Great Wall up to a hundred meters wide.

Madara scratched her head in embarrassment: "I wanted to build a castle, but then I felt it was unnecessary."

Uchiha Yun pointed to the drawing and his fingers trembled: "This...Impossible, right? How many talents are needed?"

Madara faintly touched a finger from the depths: "One person is enough."

Uchiha Yun's pupils shrunk, what does this mean, I'm silly, is this not treating yourself as a human being?

Originally intended to use Madara as a tool man, is he now his tool man?

Uchihayun quickly shook his head like a stick: "No way, no way, it's definitely not going to work, it's going to die."

As a result, the smile on Madara's face was even stronger.

Uchiha Yun suddenly found a loophole in his words.

What I said was impossible, not impossible.

Madara's complexion changed, as gloomy as Kurozumi: "You yesterday!"

Uchiha Yun looked bitter, and Madara threatened him with this.

His gaze suddenly stopped on Uchiha's body in the distance.

He beckoned to Uchiha.

"You already knew the number of each other?" Uchiha Yun asked with a black face.

Uchiha's post was a little unclear. So, I don't know why Uchiha Yun would ask: "Yes, Master Yun, I said at the meeting yesterday. Didn't Madara tell you?"

The expression on his face was a little strange, and the deputy commander didn't even know about it.

I remember yesterday that the commander-in-chief Madara had bright eyes and said that this battle could be won, and asked them to draw the drawings.

It is really strange that Uchiha Yun, who is the deputy commander in chief, doesn't know such an important matter.

Uchiha Yun pointed at Uchiha Madara angrily and shouted: "Why don't you tell me such an important meeting!"

Madara's face changed. Her face was as black as Carbon just now, but now she turned into a very surprised look immediately.

"Huh? Don't you always dislike meetings? As my brother, if you don't like it, I will definitely not let you participate in meetings that make you boring. Don't worry, you have the big brother to carry everything." I patted Uchiha Yun on the shoulder and pretended to look good for you.

Uchiha Yun's face turned black.

It seems that everything is too late now.

I was actually caught up in a routine.

What I want to study Does Uchiha have that attribute?

What anger.

It's all pretended.

Using his salted fish attributes to hold a super important meeting without telling himself, he sacrificed himself so that Uchiha Yun had to do the job.

There is no way, Uchiha Yun can only recognize that what he did yesterday, whether it was a routine or not, he did it and did it.

With a sigh, Uchiha Yun stretched out his hand: "Bring it!"

Madara was taken aback, a little unclear so: "What brought it?"

"Drawing, bastard, what else do you think?" Uchiha Yun was furious.

He was taken advantage of, and he was extremely upset. This guy actually pretended to be a fool to himself.

Madara happily took out the blueprint, and didn't even care about being yelled at.

Get used to it, and take advantage of yourself. If you are yelled at, you will be yelled at.

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