"Retreat at the first blow!" Sun Ce issued various orders in succession.

He was no longer the young man he used to be.

He would not get cocky and fight the enemy to the end with his men.

He was well aware of his mission.

It was to lure the enemy, not to kill them.

It was not yet time to defeat the enemy and harvest their manpower.

His Majesty said that this battle would annihilate all the enemy's maritime forces.

This was not a small fight.

Sun Ce led the fleet forward at a rapid speed.

Although the ships were small, they had a natural advantage in speed.

"Prepare the crossbows!"

Sun Ce shouted and issued orders.

It was strictly forbidden to use the Tang Dynasty flag language in the fleet to prevent being discovered by the enemy, so as to estimate the real sailing strength of the Tang Dynasty.

Many times, the truth is revealed in the details.


With Sun Ce's order, the main ship took the lead in firing the crossbow.

Without flag language, other ships must observe the actions of the main ship before they can follow up.

After the main ship fired, the other ships followed closely.

Under Sun Ce's previous arrangement, the other ships adjusted the firing angle.

Half of the ten shots were deliberately fired slightly off target.

To give the enemy a false impression.

But some results must be created. If it is too fake, how can people believe it?

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of the crossbow firing broke the calm on the sea.

The huge arrows passed through the deck of the French ship with the power of bloody rain.

The unlucky French sailor was shot through the body on the spot.

A huge hole was left on his chest and he fell in a pool of blood.

There was a commotion on the French ship.

"Keep calm!"

The commander immediately shouted and issued a military order.

"The enemy is armed with cold weapons, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"They don't have muskets!"

"Even less cannons!"

"Organize a counterattack immediately!"

"Although the enemy's range is a little farther than ours."

"But the power is much smaller."

"Each unit finds cover on its own. As long as it is not shot, it is our world!"

The French commander was not disappointed because the enemy took the initiative, but became even happier.

The enemy's active attack exposed all the enemy's weapons.

The news that there were no cannons made him extremely excited.

"Get closer!"



Under his continuous orders, the French soldiers stabilized their emotions and gradually entered the rhythm of war.

Bang bang bang!

The cannons on the French ships suddenly opened fire.

The strong smell of gunpowder spread over the sea.


Some ships in the Tang fleet were hit.

Although Sun Ce had arranged a dispersed formation.

But they could not withstand the intensive attack of the enemy's artillery.

A big hole was smashed in the ship that was hit, and the seawater poured back crazily.

Watching several ships gradually sink into the sea.

The sailors on the ship were well-trained.

They pretended to be terrified and jumped into the sea to survive.

But they swam under the sea, found the nearest ship, and got back on board with the help of the Tang soldiers on other ships.

After losing several ships in a row, Sun Ce saw that the enemy was getting braver and braver.

"The time is almost right."

Sun Ce immediately ordered: "Turn around and retreat immediately!"

"Run away quickly!"

Under his order, the main ship immediately turned around.

Flying away into the distance.

The other Tang ships did not receive the order and were in chaos for a while.

They scrambled to turn around on the sea and quickly fled with the main ship.

For a while, the entire Tang fleet collapsed.

"Great!" Seeing the enemy in such a mess, the French commander cursed himself for being too cautious.

The awe of the Eastern Power collapsed completely in an instant.

The ambition seemed to be a small fire sprinkled with kerosene, and it jumped ten feet high.

The wildfire spread all over the prairie.

Whether it was French officers or soldiers, they all found that the navy that came from afar was strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

They were not their opponents at all.

As soon as the main ship issued a flag signal for pursuit, they could not wait to drive the ship out at high speed.

The whole fleet rushed to the front.

Fearing to fall behind others.

They knew very well that the Eastern Power had mysterious spices and exquisite porcelain.

Those were the huge wealth they wanted.

Maybe there were many precious things on those Eastern ships.

That was what they wanted.

On the calm sea, Sun Ce fled madly with the Tang fleet.

The French army behind chased red-eyed.

Facing an enemy that they could easily defeat, they did not want to let it go.

Arrogance quickly spread among the French army.

Starting with the navy commander, everyone was of one mind, thinking that the East was vulnerable.They, France, will definitely rule the world under the leadership of Emperor Napoleon.

And this battle will definitely be recorded in the books by historians.

It will be the starting battle for their French Empire to rule the world.

It has extraordinary historical significance.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The French commander shouted loudly at the bow.

However, their ship is big and slower than those ships that are fleeing in the distance.

Although they have reached the maximum speed and all the means they can use are used.

But they still can't catch up with the other side.

The navy commander can only look at those ships that are fleeing far away, and their figures are getting smaller and smaller.

"Damn it!"

The navy commander slapped the mast beside him hard, unwilling to give up.

"Only two days away from encirclement."

"Damn it."

"You Orientals are lucky this time!"

Looking at the distant sea level with resentful eyes, the navy commander still did not give up.

Let all ships continue to speed up.

He just didn't believe where those Orientals could go at such a fast speed.

The Oriental fleet had a huge amount of wealth.

The news spread like wildfire in the French fleet.

In order to motivate the soldiers to sail desperately, the news released by the naval staff deeply stimulated every naval soldier.

The fleet always maintained the fastest speed and pursued eastward.

Unknowingly, it had sailed a very long distance.

But the naval commander didn't want to give up at all.

He received the order from Emperor Napoleon to destroy these invading enemy forces.

It is reasonable to pursue now.

It is better to chase directly to the Eastern country and be the first to use cannons to blast open the door of that rich country.

Let these pioneers plunder it fiercely.

Thinking of the wealth, the naval commander couldn't help the great excitement in his heart.

Fortunately, the supplies on the ship were enough to support for a while.

He was not afraid of pursuing too deep.

The naval commander didn't believe how much daily necessities could be stored on the small ships of the Eastern army.

Definitely not as much as theirs.

After several days of pursuit, the Navy Commander has joined another fleet.

Although the Eastern Fleet is still running ahead of them, it is obvious that it is already exhausted.

The speed is far less than a few days ago.

"Speed ​​up again!"

The Navy Commander stood at the bow and shouted.

"Victory is at hand."

"The great France will open the door to the East."

"We will be superheroes recorded in history!"


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