"What's going on?" Napoleon's eyes widened.

Fireworks made of gunpowder exploded in the night sky.

He was very familiar with that kind of gorgeous flowers.

The French soldiers were terrified.

Although the sound of the explosion was not as loud as that of a cannon, it reminded them of the terrifying weapon created by Emperor Napoleon.

All the French soldiers did not wait for the follow-up attack in panic.

The whole space was quiet, as if there had never been any movement.

Napoleon raised his hand to wipe the sweat.

There was a chill on his forehead.

Everything shown by the unknown enemy made him more and more chilled.

A powerful enemy is not scary, but the uncertain unknown is the most terrifying.

Napoleon, who was already suspicious, had more doubts.

The French soldiers could no longer sleep.

They were afraid that the enemy troops hiding in the dark would do something else to them.

They were confused and finally made it to dawn, but received the news passed down by the officers.

After dinner, they marched back to the main city.

Napoleon became more and more anxious.

He suffered consecutive defeats in the second half of his life, and he didn't want to suffer any more defeats in any battle.

He led the army to continue galloping northward, but the French army couldn't keep up the marching speed of yesterday.

They didn't sleep well last night, and everyone was exhausted.

But they still had to march hard, and the soldiers complained.

Napoleon didn't care about that. He waved the whip in his hand and shouted loudly on his warhorse: "I know everyone didn't sleep well last night."

"But think about your wealth in the main city, think about the servants and beauties you left there."

"If we rush to help too slowly and the enemy attacks the main city, we will lose the wealth here."

"Are you willing?"

The French soldiers who were originally full of complaints thought for a while, and someone took the lead and shouted that they didn't want to.

Of course they didn't want to lose the wealth here.

After a shout, Napoleon successfully mobilized the emotions of the soldiers.

The marching speed increased.

Guan Yu, who was hanging around the French army, watched the enemy's speed increase and snorted coldly: "The enemy commander still has some skills."

"Continue to follow the tactics taught by your majesty."

"When the enemy retreats, we advance; when the enemy is tired, we attack!"

"Implement the guerrilla tactics to the end!"

"Yes!!" The Tang cavalry raised their arms and shouted, galloping across the wilderness, rolling up a cloud of dust.


After marching for several days in a row, Napoleon was exhausted physically and mentally.

Those enemies chasing behind were hateful and cunning.

They always caught them at their weakest moment and rushed in to shoot and kill some soldiers.

While waiting for the team to adjust to fight, the enemy had already left.

Because the enemy was elusive and did not know from which direction, the cavalry on our side could not chase the enemy in the first time.

This feeling of having strength but not being able to use it made Napoleon feel like a thorn in his throat.

He clenched the whip in his hand and wanted to command the army to turn around and find the enemy for a decisive battle countless times.

But there was always a voice in his heart reminding him.

If he did that, he would fall into the enemy's trap.

Those enemies who were close yet distant wanted to interrupt their steps to return for help.

Speed ​​is of the essence in war.

It is necessary to return to the main city of Tianzhu before the enemy expected it.

Catch the enemies who are attacking the city by surprise.

Turn the whole situation around.

At that time, he must capture all the pursuing cavalry alive and send them to the guillotine!

The angry Napoleon led the team and ran wildly.

He traveled day and night.

Guan Yu, who was chasing after him, was very surprised by the enemy's behavior.

He thought that except for the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, no one else in the world could have such perseverance.

The performance of the enemy army made him look at him with new eyes.

“It will take another half a day to reach the main city of Tianzhu.” Napoleon issued an order during the march.

“We will rest for four hours.”

“We will try to arrive in the evening.”

“Attack when the enemy is tired after a day of siege and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!”

“In addition, send more scouts to find out the situation on the other side of the main city.”

Under Napoleon’s orderly orders, the French army quickly executed.

Prepare in advance for the next battle.

An unnamed high ground.

Liu Yu took some generals and elite soldiers and hid on the high ground to observe the French army in the distance.

“The enemy must rest here for a few hours.”

“Replenish physical strength for subsequent battles.”

Huang Zhong took the initiative to suggest: “Your Majesty, I am willing to lead a number of elite soldiers to attack the enemy, and I will definitely win a great victory!”

Other generals asked for battle.

Liu Yu shook his head, "Now is not the most appropriate time."

He pointed at the enemy in the distance and said, "Let the enemy eat something first."

"Once they are full, they will naturally feel more tired.""Find a place to rest."

"That's when we have the best chance to attack."

"Pass the order!"

Liu Yu ordered solemnly: "All units assemble immediately."

"Deploy troops from various ambush locations and surround the enemy."

"Wait for the signal flare to rise and attack at the same time."

"This time, there is no distinction between main attack and secondary attack, all of you attack with all your strength."

"Destroy the enemy in one fell swoop."

"Yes!" The Tang generals responded loudly and all went down to execute Liu Yu's order.

Standing on a high place with his hands behind his back, Liu Yu's eyes sparkled.


"Your Majesty, it's not good!" A French general hurried to Napoleon to report.

"Scouts found enemy figures behind the east mountain."

"There are also discoveries in the west."

Napoleon, who was resting under the shade of a tree, jumped up with a bang, "Really?"

Without waiting for the general to answer, Napoleon had already made up his mind.

He immediately calmed down, "All troops, assemble, immediately, right now!"

Napoleon woke up several generals who had just fallen asleep.

The other party's tired face was full of doubts.

After Napoleon briefly introduced the enemy situation, all the generals frowned.


This word emerged in their hearts.

In the past, they had always implemented such a strategy against the enemy in Europe.

But they never thought that in the backward place of Tianzhu, they would be taught a lesson by the enemy.

"Occupy the advantageous terrain immediately and prepare for battle!" Napoleon issued orders continuously.

But the French soldiers had just found a place to rest after eating, and the fatigue accumulated over the past few days made the soldiers not want to wake up from their deep sleep at all.

For a while, the angry roars of the officers continued to sound in the wilderness.

The emotions accumulated by the soldiers who were awakened over the past few days broke out on the spot.

Conflicts occurred within the French army.

The officers roared about the enemy situation.

But ordinary soldiers didn't care so much.

The dispute became more and more serious, causing the French army to fall into chaos.

Napoleon acted decisively and quickly sent out a supervision team to deal with the soldiers who created chaos.

After killing several people in succession, the chaos was finally suppressed.

Napoleon spoke to appease the soldiers again, and with various means, the French army gradually gathered.

Liu Yu always stood on a high place to observe the enemy situation.

After discovering the enemy's brief chaos, they gradually calmed down.

He issued an order: "Fire the signal flare immediately."

"All troops attack!"

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