The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1176: You have to rely on Treasure Court

"Well, what's the situation!"

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan displayed the ghost hall needle and ghost pillow needle at the moment.

Originally, Yan Baoer, who was pulling Zhou Qiangdong's soul out of his body, was being pulled by the hook cable.

At this time, I suddenly felt that the ecstasy chain in my hand was tight.

An irresistible and terrible traction force suddenly came from this ecstasy lock!

"Damn, is that guy again?"

"Really, again and again, Miss Baden is good!"

Yan Baoer froze slightly.

When she saw it, she had a lure in her hands.

It's "wow la la la ..."

When he was dragged away quickly towards the other side.

At this time, Yan Baoer finally realized the hindsight.

Last time, the "illegal" who dared to cut off from the hands of the angels.

Shot again!

Yan Baoer was in a hurry, and he grabbed the entrapment.

At the same time, he vowed secretly in his heart.

"Well, you bad guy is still kicking his face, right?"

"Last time Miss Ben dismissed her!"

"I'll take a look today. Why can you grab someone in the hands of Miss Ben!"

With this in mind, Yan Baoer turned directly.

Carry the soul hook on his shoulder, back to Zhou Qiangdong's soul.

Press your knees slightly, and hold your hands tightly.

I was just full of energy, and started to use the power of feeding.

He desperately pulled Zhou Qiangdong's soul and walked forward.

"I'm going, it looks like the situation is a little tricky!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan was instilling Zhenyuan into Zhou Qiangdong's body.

However, who expected Qiang Dong's body this week.

It's like a black hole with no end at all.

No matter how Zhang Xiaofan increased the true element infused into his body.

But all these things are like the mud cow entering the sea.

I got into it, and I didn't get a half-day message at all!

After seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan got angry too.

You know, at this time, he can supplement with the true element contained in Wulei Sword.

Also, as far as possible, maintain the "balance of payments" of the true elements in his body.

However, doing so is only a cure for the symptoms.

If so, the true elements of Zhang Xiaofan's Five Thunder Swords are exhausted.

So, the unlucky one is Zhang Xiaofan.

At that time, even if it is not hollowed out.

It's not far from being hollowed out.

"How to do how to do..."

"By the way, I still have a treasure chest!"

Just when Zhang Xiaofan was in his heart, he was in such an anxiety that he was in a hurry and was scratching his ears.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's mind suddenly flashed.

The idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Zhou Zhonggang, come and hold my right hand!"

Zhang Xiaofan gritted his teeth, and Zhou Zhonggang, who turned his head to the side, explained.

Although, Zhou Zhonggang was roared by Zhang Xiaofan's throat, and some monks were snarled, scratching their heads.

However, at the moment this can be related to the life and death of his father.

Therefore, Zhou Ganggang did not dare to neglect.

The quick thing is to come forward, one is to hold Zhang Xiaofan's hand holding the silver needle.

After seeing Zhou Zhonggang helping himself stabilize his right hand, Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to neglect.

On his side, he continued to pour into Qiang Dong this week.

Lost real dollars.

While using the other hand ...

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