The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1224: I want to eat dragon meat too!

Mother: "Three princes, this dragon is the beast of auspicious auspicious, kill one and two meanings."

"If you follow this killing method right now."

"It won't be long ..."

"That's it, we are in the endangered first-level protection of animals in the heavens! {A sweaty expression on the back}."

Nezha: "The Bihai Dragon King of the East China Sea is not a good dragon!"

"It's a dragon that doesn't talk about it."

"Actually, I put my attention on the human world."

"Prince Ben, it's not that I'm also worried that this demon dragon will run into the human realm to disturb and disturb one party's tranquility."

"That's why Prince Ben directly slaughtered this evil barrier for Tianxingdao!"

"At that time, if the Tokai Dragon King really wants to sue the Royal Guard."

"That Prince Edward will accompany him to the end!"

"Annoyed Prince Ben, big deal to break the net! {A look behind her lips.}"

Marshal Canopy: "Hey ..."

"I have heard of the old pig recently."

"The King of Bibo Dragon in the East China Sea was born in the tropical currents of the North Sea."

"That meat is so delicious!"

"And twist his head off and add some cumin, salt, and slow fire for three hours."

"Finally, lift the lid and take a bite."

"Cracky, chicken flavor {three drooling expressions at the back}."

Nezha: "Hey, the hero sees the same thing, the hero sees the same thing!"

"Prince Ben thought so too."

"By the way, the Bibo Dragon King of the East China Sea has been brought back by Prince Ben."

"Whoever wants to try something new! {Three smirk expressions at the back}."

Clairvoyant: "Hey, Benxian had seen the prince slaughtering dragons in heaven."

"Seeers have a share, seeers have a share."

"I want a piece of meat on the dragon's ass! {A drooling expression behind}."

Tailwind ears: "I'm awkward, who has a share?"

"Obviously the listener has a share!"

"The third prince has not yet entered the court of heaven. I have heard the sound of the third prince's footsteps long ago."

"So, the meat on this dragon's buttocks is irreverent to me! {A fingertip expression behind me}."

Dianmu: "Hey, don't dive! Wow! @ 雷公"

"The third prince is about to spread his fortune!" {Three excited expressions in the back}. "

Lei Gong: "Come here, come here, always ready."

Erlang Shen Yang Yan: "Cough cough ..."

"Well, by the way, I'm here to ask for a keel for our dog."

"Of course, it would be great if you could also get a piece of dragon meat."

Xiao Tian Dog: "I have a mother who sells batches, I don't know if I should talk about it inappropriately. {A rolling expression behind me}.


At this moment, this heavenly chat group.

Originally, this group of fairies who were still diving for soy sauce was at this time.

Each one seemed to be beaten with chicken blood, and they all came out one after another.

Those who are scrambling to ask for this dragon meat open their mouths at Nezha!

Look at this group, the fairies in heaven.

Really, it will be the most vivid expression of the phrase "no profit is too early!"

"Dragon meat of Tokai Bibo Dragon King ?!"

After seeing that Nezha said that he wanted to divide the dragon meat, Zhang Xiaofan's pupils could not help tightening suddenly.

Then there was a touch of excitement and excitement on his face!

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