The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1405: You will naturally understand when you come to the Zhao family!

To put it bluntly, the problem lies with the people of the Zhao family themselves!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan twitched.

Continue listening, female ghost Xu Lili's next recount.

As for the situation later, it is undoubtedly very simple and clear.

At this time, Xu Lili's ghost was either the person of the Zhao family or someone related to the person of the Zhao family.

Treated as a little ghost, directly captive.

And this female ghost Xu Lili, because of her ghost was captive.

So, this is equivalent to disguise.

Xu Lili's life as a ghost was firmly controlled by the Zhao family.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this layer of lasting distress.

In order to protect himself, Xu Lili would choose Zhao Hongtao's father.

I want to save Zhao by this way.

Let the people of the Zhao family release their imprisoned ghosts.

However, the Zhao family apparently did not give up easily.

However, this matter is somewhat unexplainable.

If this, Xu Lili's ghost was really imprisoned by the Zhao family.

Then, Zhao Hongtao made a series of reflections before.

What's more, its corresponding behavior.

It's complete, it doesn't seem to be the case.

After all, if Zhao Hongtao really knew it.

The root of the problem lies in Xu Lili's ghost.

Then, he looked at Zhao Hongtao to save his father's heart.

In any case, this Zhao Hongtao will choose to release Xu Lili's ghost.

In this way, to protect the integrity of his father's life.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan is not without doubt.

This Zhao Hongtao has been acting in front of himself since the beginning.

Or, it's self-directed or something.

However, the eyes are the windows of the soul.

People may speak, and some small movements.

May be deceiving.

However, one wants to deceive through his eyes.

This will undoubtedly be a difficult thing.

Moreover, this is still in the real price.

Teacher Cheng Sunwu's genuine "fire eyes golden eyes" Zhang Xiaofan deceived people.

That is even more heavenly!

Moreover, Zhao Hongtao or Zhao Rongrong and Li Shufen, Zhao Hongtao's wife.

The three of them, Zhang Xiaofan has seen the Zhao family to see the words.

Zhang Xiaofan can be sure.

That is to say, none of the three members of the Zhao family are practitioners.

Even Zhang Xiaofan was able to be in the family of three of Zhao Hongtao's family.

It can be clearly felt that there is no real element fluctuation in them.

Therefore, since even Zhenyuan has no nature, he is not a practitioner.

This point, Zhang Xiaofan can still be sure.

Then, even those who practice spiritually are not counted.

Where is the ability to imprison Xu Lili who has reached the Yellow Pages?

This matter, in itself, is justified.

"Doesn't this Zhao Lili's ghost imprison the Zhao family?"

"Behind this, someone else can't?"

Thoughts one by one flashed quickly in Zhang Xiaofan's mind.

One possibility after another was quickly ruled out by Zhang Xiaofan.

At this time, the female ghost Xu Lili, who had been floating in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

She was also able to guess what Zhang Xiaofan thought.


Come tomorrow to the Zhao family. "

"What is it, when you come to Zhao's house in person ..."

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