The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1435: Peach Blossom

This Westerner directly played a human evaporation.

However, at this time Zhao Rongrong.

It is finally, realized afterwards.

She was fooled by this Westerner, and she was in the United Kingdom.

This is not in Huaxia ...

If it is in Huaxia.

Well, with his father who has a star on his shoulder.

Coupled with the influence of his own father in Jinling Military Region.

So, it's no problem to help her Zhao Rongrong get back where she is.

Raising your hand, you can do it with a wave!

But today is different.

Now Zhao Rongrong is not in China.

Instead, in the United Kingdom, there is no village before and no store afterwards.

Where birds don't shit!

Therefore, even if their Zhao family is more capable.

That is also the ability in China.

The hand stretched out, and it could not reach the United Kingdom.

After all, there is a gap between Eurasia and the English Channel.

Therefore, helplessly, Zhao Rongrong experienced the original anger again.

She also gradually recovered her sanity.

Understand this situation now, you are on someone else's ground.

That is to say that every day should not be, and that the earth and the earth are ineffective.

She couldn't find a place, so she could justify it.

Moreover, Zhao Rongrong also knew this kind of thing.

Since the people in his home can't help himself.

Well, this matter anyway.

I can't let my father and mother know.

So, after that, Zhao Rongrong went to the hospital by herself.

Kill the child in the belly.

After all, she went through the first impulse of love.

IQ is gradually coming online.

She didn't want to be a so-called single mother so early.

In this case, Zhao Rongrong can imagine that this will definitely ruin her life!

But who would have expected it to be such an ordinary procedure that cannot be performed in ordinary abortion.

That night, Zhao Rongrong encountered something that made her creepy.

On the first night after the abortion.

Zhao Rongrong was a whole night.

All tossed and turned in bed, sleepless all night.

And this is not the worst.

Worst of all, Zhao Rongrong was still vaguely in between.

As if I could hear, there was a weird footstep in my room.

And she dreamed that night very often.

And, one nightmare after another!

In this nightmare.

There was always a little boy with a pale face and covered with dried blood.

He cried again and shouted to ask her.

"Mom ... Mom ... Mom ..."

"Why don't you want me?"

"Why don't you want me ?!"

The baby boy shouted.

It's miserable like a cuckoo's blood!

The tortured Zhao Rongrong is simply difficult to fall asleep.

So that the next day, she was all sick in school.

However, wait until Zhao Rongrong stays until the next day.

He didn't continue, and had the nightmare of last night.

At that time, Zhao Rongrong did not take this matter to heart.

What to eat, what to drink

Drink and play.

Even, Zhao Rongrong used to think simply.

It was after I killed the child myself.

There is such a layer of shadow in my heart, and for some time, I still cannot let it go.

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