The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1453: One hundred thousand merit has arrived!

"Daxian, you have great gratitude to us in Yincaodifu."

"We are in Yincaodifu, and the ghosts are so memorable!"

Look, this black impermanence is directed at his own series of flattering words.

Zhang Xiaofan also rolled his eyes.

Quickly tap your finger on the phone screen.

Soon, a message was edited and sent over.

I am Mengxin {Zhang Xiaofan}: "Cut, tell me less about some of these, what about the rewards for completing the task?"

Hei Wuchang: "Daxian wait a moment, and I'll take Xu Lili's injustice to the runner's department to find the runner's life."

"After the resurrection is complete."

"Before, promise your great reward of 100,000 points."

"Surely, there will be a lot of money on your account in Daxian! {A smirk on the back.}"

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have to be embarrassed about this impermanence.

He thought about it, after the matter of the female ghost Xu Lili.

Just explain again.

Let the black impermanence, and then return to life with Xu Lili's injustice.

By the way, remember to help Xu Lili seek a decent job in this Yin Cao Difu.

However, he was originally in awe of the black impermanence with Zhang Xiaofan.

Therefore, now that Zhang Xiaofan has asked for it.

Well, it is natural that the impermanence of blackness is too scared to say half a word in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

Directly follow the good, and nodded repeatedly.

And, assured Zhang Xiaofan again and again.

Will definitely give Xu Lili.

In this Yincaodi government, seek a light errand with five insurances and one fund.

In addition, Hei Wuchang also said.

As it happens, a ecstasy messenger of the ecstasy brigade suddenly applied for resignation from his superior.

Moreover, the reason for leaving is also very nonsense.

Say yes, take a trip that says go.

Therefore, Xu Lili can just replace it.

The former ghost who had left his post became a glorious ecstatic messenger of the Yin Cao Difu.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan placed Xu Lili's after a better home.

This matter also completely relieved Zhang Xiaofan.

Although, this ecstasy messenger is in Yincao Difu.

Although, it is impossible to talk about such a prominent and honorable position.

It can only be regarded as the most common job in Yincaodifu.

However, Xu Lili had no previous resumes.

Therefore, we can get such a share right now.

It is not a bad thing to have an errand of five insurances and one gold in Yincaodi government.

Compared to the past, Xu Lili can only talk about aimless wandering in the ordinary world.

I don't know how many times better.

"Om ... um ... um ..."

It was in Zhang Xiaofan's heart that he was secretly thinking about Xu Lili's follow-up.

At this time Zhang Xiaofan, the mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Zhang Xiaofan lit up the screen and looked down to see that the news came from WeChat.

"Congratulations, you successfully completed the ghost hunting mission released by Yin Caodi's Hei Mochang."

"Successfully sent Xu Lili's injustice to the runner, and rewarded 100.000 merit."

After seeing that 100.000 merit has been successfully credited.

Zhang Xiaofan's happy eyebrows and eyes were all bent with a smile, not to mention how happy he was in his heart.

However, when I think of myself, I have to carry ...

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