The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1470: Let's keep this relationship!

Zhang Xiaofan just wanted to speak, and directly rejected the good intentions of Reba.

However, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly thought about it.

It seems that Shen Yueyue and Yayue Cosmetics Co., Ltd., her cousin Wang Yahui fell up.

Until now, it seems that there is still a lack of a company's product image spokesperson.

If, wait until the new product of Shen Yueyue Yayue Cosmetics Company is released.

If you haven't found a suitable spokesperson.

The little lady's skin in front of her looks like words and influence.

They are quite in line with the product positioning of Shen Yueyue that Yayue Cosmetics Company!

To be beautiful, to be popular.

If you have a topic, you have a topic, you have a national favor, and you have a national favor.

啧, 啧, 啧 ...

This is just the right choice, right?

It really doesn't work, you can let Reba this little girl.

To help, Shen Yueyue's Yayue cosmetics company's products or something.

Come be a brand image spokesperson.

Well, it's kind of a little bit thoughtful.

"I see..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan nodded and regarded it as a promise.

Then he turned and walked towards the balcony.

Reba, who rushed behind, explained, saying.

"Okay, now you should contact your agent, Wen, now."

"Let her take care of things here as soon as possible."

"Well, it's not too early now."

"I will go back to my home first, and wash and sleep."

"Good night, big star."


"How are you going back? Are you going to turn back from the balcony?"

Reba at this time.

Looking at Zhang Xiaofan, he did not choose to walk from the door of the house.

Instead, stride towards the balcony.

Could not help but wonder, said.

"Well, it's easier to turn back from the balcony."

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged indifferently.

Then he opened the window on the balcony in front of him.

One foot has already taken the lead.


"This ... this is the 21st floor!"

Reba saw that Zhang Xiaofan had stepped out of the balcony in half his body.

My heart was tight, and I couldn't help but chase quickly.

"Twenty-first floor?"

"What's wrong with the 21st floor? Is there any problem?"

Zhang Xiaofan sat on the edge of the window and turned his head, looking inexplicably to Reba.

He was a little confused. Why was this woman startled?

Isn't that just turning over a balcony? Didn't this little girl hide the wall of someone else's house when she was a kid?

Reba didn't pay attention to Zhang Xiaofan, she went to the balcony and looked down the open window.

I could not help but took a hard breath.

The height of the floors from the 21st floor is about 50-60 meters.

Moreover, because the garden houses here are two-tiered.

Therefore, the balcony of Reba's home is away from the balcony where Zhang Xiaofan's home is located.

Visually, the balcony where Zhang Xiaofan's house is located.

That's about it, and there is a distance of about 10 meters.

And, even more chilling.

Connected, the junction between Zhang Xiaofan and Reba's two balconies.

There is only a narrow platform left for installing the external host of the air conditioner.


Extending outside this narrow platform.

Then, a sheep intestine that can only accommodate the feet of an adult ...

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