The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1475: I'm not here for ransom!

Late in the middle of the night, it ’s not easy for a master to unlock it, right?

And, really, what to say.

If so, Zhang Xiaofan really wants to enter this door.

Where else do we need this unlock master to come here.

Come and help him open the door?

Let's not say anything else, just Zhang Xiaofan's current tendon flesh.

He didn't have to do anything, and kicked at the security door.

In a matter of minutes, the security door can be flew out with the door locked.

However, Zhang Xiaofan thought again.

In front of this star neighbor.

Use your feet to open the security door.

No matter what you think, no matter how you look at it.

The scene in this scene seems to have some thrills and horrors.

Moreover, there are some out of date.

After all, Reba, this little lady's skin.

All day long, suspicious.

Then, now I see myself again.

A scene of breaking the door directly in front of her.

It seems that it must not scare her.

Phi Xing Daiyue moved out directly from his home.

Then that way ...

Wouldn't Shen Yunyue's Yayue Cosmetics company spokesperson be in trouble?

And, even if you take a step back.

Especially, I have the effort to break the door forcibly.

Why not jump straight from the balcony of Reba's home.

How easy is it to jump back to your own balcony?

After all, one's own foot past.

Let's not break our own security door.

Afterwards, you have to pay for another one.

Gains and losses, gains and losses ...


After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Xiaofan was helpless to discover another fact.

That is, I have thought of so many ways to solve things.

At the same time, this is a big circle.

In the end, this was discovered later.

Myself ...

It seems that it is back to the problem that started at the beginning ...

"No more, no more ..."

"This matter, Reba, if you don't find yourself troublesome."

"Love toss, just toss."

"Anyway, I'm too lazy to take care of this much myself."

Zhang Xiaofan was rather speechless and slandered in his heart.

Then he looked back.

Reba, who was standing on the sofa and talking to her agent, Wen.


"Is this Wen?"

"It's my little Di."

"I tell you, sister Wen."

"Just now, two criminals sneaked into my house sneakily."

"Attempting to tell me the truth ..."

"Ah? Ah ... Ah!"

"No ... no ... no ..."

"Sister Wen, you misunderstood ..."

"I'm calling you, not on behalf of the criminal who asked you to ransom."

"It's like this, isn't there still a male neighbor living opposite me?"

"Just now, it was my neighbor who saw justice."

"The two criminals who sneaked into my house have been settled."

"So, I was lucky enough to escape ..."

Sister Wen as

Reba's full-time agent.

It can be said that because of their own work and business needs.

Sister Wen's phone.

Naturally, it is kept on for 24 hours a day, full time.

Therefore, even Reba chased Wen at 12am.

The other party also answered Reba's phone at the first time ...

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