The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1488: What did you say to Mr. Zhang!

"Since ancient times, everything has been on the Treasure Hall-!"

"Sister Wen, you got up so early today."

"Also, I took the initiative to find Mr. Zhang."

"I think behind this, sister Wen, you must be carrying me to Mr. Zhang!"


"what is this!"

Between the words, the light in the corner of Reba's eyes.

Inadvertently skimmed in the trash bin in the corridor.

The cash check torn in half by Zhang Xiaofan.

She stooped and spliced ​​the two cash checks together.

See the signature of Sister Wen written above.

And, after the cash cheque amount of 1 million Chinese yuan.

Recombined to.

Earlier, I saw the scene where sister Wen and Zhang Xiaofan broke up.

no doubt.

The causes and consequences of this.

At this time, Reba was basically able to guess that one was inseparable from the other.

"Sister Wen, I ask you when this check was written!"

"This ... this check is ..."

"Yes ... I wrote it today."

"Yesterday ... Did you just join a business event hosted by an endorser yesterday?"

"I ... my cash check is ... used as a gift."

At this time, the check that Sister Wen wrote to Zhang Xiaofan before she was found by Reba.

Right now, this time.

Sister Wen was also flustered in her heart.

Subconsciously, she wanted to find an excuse to obscure the check.

However, the excuses from her mouth.

Listening to others' ears, it is the donkey's head that is not right.

It's totally wrong.

On the contrary, it also gives people a feeling of wanting to cover up and not make a move.

Moreover, at this time Sister Wen was facing Reba.

In itself, Reba is her lifeblood.

Can you confuse yourself? It all depends on what Reba means.

If, if Reba is really jealous of himself at this time.

Even more serious words.

Reba chose to rip off his face with himself.

Then, if the brokerage company has to make a choice between themselves and Reba.

One, just a small insignificant broker.

The other is one of the four new Huadans in Huaxia.

At the peak of popularity, the rise of personal career.

So, even a fool.

I also know that there is between Wenba and Sister Wen.

How to make a choice.

So at this time.

When Sister Wen saw Reba, she asked herself with such an aggressive tone.

The whole person felt guilty for no reason.

Quite a sense of self-rebellion, not self-defeating.

"Ha ha..."

"Sister Wen, things are up to now ..."

"If you have to choose to tell me more about what happened before."

"So ..."

"I think the partnership between us."

"Yes, that's it!"

Reba at this time.

Seeing Sister Wen's evasiveness, she felt guilty.

Is more and more affirmation, the speculation in his mind before.

At the same time, her tone became more and more cold.


When I saw Reba at this time, I was obviously angry.

Sister Wen also knew at this time.

If you support yourself, it can only make Reba more angry.

Therefore, she can only do things before.

Truly explain to Reba, Tao.

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