The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1542: Heartbroken Coal Merchant

Basically, whatever happens.

All opponents will die.

Plus, good at seizing opportunities.

In this way, Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian and his son became rich overnight.

The coal kiln factories under their name are even more numerous.

In Shili Township, it is also one of the top tycoons in coal companies.

Originally, Zhang Fuqiang and his father Zhang Daping and the villagers of Xingfu Village.

I also hope that this police station can help them to do justice.

But unexpectedly, the people at this police station heard it.

This matter actually involved a big man like Zhao Zhongfu.

Scared, the villagers of Zhang Fuqiang and Zhang Daping Happiness Village were directly affected.

He blasted out of the police station and never filed a case.

Although after that.

Zhang Daping and Zhang Fuqiang also thought about seeking complaints from relevant departments.

To respond to the incident of Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian and his son, a small coal kiln.

But complaints and response letters were written a lot.

But all the mud cows went into the sea, there was no bird at all.

Finally, the helpless happy villagers.

In desperation, this matter was finally reported to the city center fǎyuàn.

The final result is not accepted at all ...

Seeing that more and more villagers fell ill due to pneumoconiosis in Xingfu Village.


Zhang Daping and Zhang Fuqiang.

I had no choice but to go outside Zhao Fugui's villa.

Go for some basic medical expenses ...

But it is appalling.

After Zhao Zhongfu and Zhao Zhongtian and his son knew about it.

Instead of giving no compensation.

Instead, Zhao Zhongtian also took a group of hooligans.

Putting his father Zhang Daping and Zhang Fuqiang into a solitary place.

Beat them both in a brutal way ...

That is at that time.

Zhang Fuqiang died of an emergency operation on the operating table in the rescue room because he was too injured.

Zhang Xiaofan's father, Zhang Daping, picked up a life.

However, there were also many serious fractures.

On the back, it was the mining team under Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian's father and son.

Use a machete to cut a deep knife wound that is 10 cm long!

In addition, Zhang Daping himself has this pneumoconiosis.

The body can be said to have collapsed overnight.

The whole person is also bedridden ...

And, after that.

Zhao Zhongfu and Zhao Zhongtian's father and son even sent someone over to speak hard.

Saying that this time is only a lesson, only one person is killed and one is disabled.

If the same thing happens again next time.

Well, it's not just Zhang Fuqiang who died.

It's not just Zhang Daping who is disabled, these two people are so simple.

Because, under Zhao Zhongfu's hands.

There are hundreds of people's protection team, plus black and white.

In the end, his father, mother and the villagers of Happy Village.

In desperation, we can only choose to bear the burden of humiliation.

"Crunch ... creak ... creak ..."

Zhang Xiaofan's fists clenched together.

To the extent that those sharp nails pierced the flesh in his palm.

Zhang Xiaofan seemed unconscious of this.

"Screams ..."

Zhang Xiaofan took a hard breath.

Forcibly put down the anger that kept tumbling in my chest.

Word by word, hate, said.

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