The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1545: Healing father

At this time, Zhou Cui'e was staring at the scene in front of her ...

At this point, I saw Zhang Daping's naked chest position.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan had been pierced with six or seven silver needles of varying lengths in turn.

And the silver needles are aligned in a mysterious direction.

Above these silver pins.

Also exuding, golden strength with varying strengths.

And the white steam, visible to the naked eye, rose from the tail of the needle.

"Mother, don't worry."

"I'm helping Dad to treat his pneumoconiosis. Mother, you can rest assured."

"My son knows."

Zhang Xiaofan explained to his mother without looking back.

Then he held his breath and took out a silver needle from the needle box beside him.

Then, immediately after pinpointing the acupuncture point.

The last silver needle in Zhang Xiaofan's hand.

It was also slowly, when piercing into the Eagle Window Acupoint at the upper left of Zhang Daping's chest.

I saw, at this time on Zhang Xiaofan's forehead.

It was also rising, and a few fine sweat beads rolled down along the cheeks.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes became sharper and sharper.

Increasingly sharp.

His expression was also extremely serious and serious.

There is quite a style of a generation of acupuncture masters.

After seeing this scene, Zhou Cui'e was almost surprised when she saw this scene.

It was only more than half a year before they met.

Zhou Cui'e felt that she was almost unaware of her son.

In this way, there are two people in Zhou Cui'e and Zhang Daping.

Looked at that incredible shock.

Zhang Xiaofan's acupuncture process for his father.

It lasted for about one and a half hours.

Only then did he retrieve all the silver needles that had been inserted into his father's chest.


After Zhang Xiaofan retracted the last bit of silver needle.

Zhang Daping's dark old face suddenly turned red.

When Zhang Xiaofan saw this, his eyes were swift, and he brought the spittoon under the bed up.

"Ahem ..."

See you, Zhang Daping.

Opening his mouth to Zhang Xiaofan's spittoon, he spit out blood.

This mouthwater was extremely filthy.

Faintly, you can see a few white particles attached to the naked eye.

This white particle attachment was his father's inhalation of inorganic dust from the lungs for a long time because he went down to mine.

"Dad, see if you're out of breath now?"

Seeing his father, he vomited the blood that had been squeezed in the chest.

Zhang Xiaofan helped Zhang Daping pat his back along the air.

Concerned, said.

"Snoring ... snoring ... snoring ..."

Hearing that Zhang Daping also suspected of having him.

Opening his mouth, he began to gasp hard.

The old man gasped very hard this time.

But even so.

Compared to before, every breath you take is compared to fighting a battle.

At this point, Zhang Daping was obviously much easier than before.

Furthermore, I just said a few words more than before.

A severe coughing situation.

It was almost a sky, an underground.

Between the two, that's completely different.

"Little ... small

Where **** ... "

"I ... I ... I don't cough anymore ..."

"I ... I ... I don't cough anymore ...!"

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