The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1565: This is the weapon you rely on!

It's just that I want to enjoy their performance ...

Zhao Zhongtian and the group of people in the villa's living room.

From the original hope of survival, to the frustration afterwards ...

So what happened next, a scene of complete despair ...

All this, everything was thoroughly calculated by Zhang Xiaofan.

Even from the beginning, Zhang Xiaofan was just "playing".

And Zhao Zhongfu these people.

In Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, it was just a "pawn".

Feel free to manipulate and manipulate.

Life and death are all in the thought of Zhang Xiaofan!



"You handle, it seems like a May Fourth hand!"

"Good, good, good ..."

"If I remember right."

"This Chinese-made May Fourth style hand qiāng."

"It is China's imitation of the Russian-made tt1930 / 1933-style tokarev hand qiāng, and the 51-style hand qiāng bomb.

"It was finalized in 1954 and is still equipped with troops."

"It is one of the largest production and equipment manufacturers in China."

"The automatic method of the 54-style hand qiāng adopts the qiāng pipe short rear seat type."

"The locking method uses the qiāng tube swing type, and the safety device is hammer strike insurance."

"The qiāng also has an empty warehouse hanging mechanism."

"Its effective range should be between 100 meters and 50 meters, right?"

"Using self-defense or attacking the enemy at close range."

"When the enemy is unprepared."

"Often it works, unexpectedly."

Zhang Xiaofan stared directly from the gaze of the tall and thin man.

While playing with the May Fourth hand qiāng.

He whispered while taking care of himself.

Related information, data about this handle Wusi style hand qiāng.

Like before, wasn't he who was put cold in the back?


For Zhang Xiaofan.

Like this so-called "threat", to himself.

It is simply not enough to constitute a so-called "threat"-!

"However, do you think this qiāng is really useful to me?"

Zhang Xiaofan muttered to himself in a low voice.

Then he lifted his eyelids and looked at the tall and thin man with a smile.

Subsequently, Zhang Xiaofan pulled the qiāng bolt.


The metal sound of the bullet loading suddenly sounded.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan made the next scene.

Let the people present all air-conditioning down!

As I saw, Zhang Xiaofan actually aimed his hand at the head of the bulleted hand.

No, more accurately.

It should be the qiāng mouth of the hand qiāng, aimed at the temple position on his right! !! !!

However, when the crowd did not respond yet.


I can only hear a sudden qiāng sound.

Immediately afterwards, a tongue of fire sprang out of the mouth of this five or four style hand.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze at this moment, and it was still.

Everyone held their breath, widened their eyes, and enlarged their pupils.

Instantly, watching what happened to their eyes

Before this scene.

As if, time is slow at this time.

Be able to make everyone present.

We can all see clearly the flight trajectory of the bullet shot from the qiāng chamber.

Everyone even felt the air in this living room.

It was at this time that it began to freeze.

Until, the bullet of Huang Chengcheng flew to Zhang Xiaofan's right temple ...

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