The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1569: You're kind of loyal!

He had never seen a bald man, such a fierce and cruel man.

He never even thought about it.

At first, I was just taking people to clean up a group.

In their eyes, it should be a powerless, powerless country guy, ordinary people.

Moreover, after learning that Zhang Fuqiang died on the operating table in the rescue room because of his injuries.

They all shouted their words of joy, one after another.

Even more good people say.

When playing against Zhang Daping was too light.

In this case, Zhang Fuqiang also has a companion on this Huangquan Road.

In this way, Zhang Fuqiang's Huangquan Road will not look too lonely, too desolate, isn't it?

Good and evil are reported, but it is not time to fail.

Do not believe, look up at the sky, who has been spared by the sky! !! !!

But this is the ordinary and ordinary people who have no power or power.

Actually ... it would bring them such terrible calamities.

Actually, it will make them pay the price of their lives because of this! !! !!

If, life has a chance to come back.

If, indeed, regret medicine exists in this world.

Well, the bald guy only hopes that he has never stepped into that happy village ...

However, there is never a regret medicine in this world.

Of course, they have no chance to return to life.

Because, Zhang Xiaofan will personally send them one by one to "Hell-!!!"

At this time, when Zhang Xiaofan turned the last black bodyguard in the living room.

When he was chopped in a pool of blood.

The bald and brave man shivered violently.

A chill ran straight down the soles of his feet toward his heavenly cover.

It made him a little bit shy, and he suddenly rejoiced a bit.

He turned his head and walked towards Zhao Zhongfu, who had been scared to the ground like a slump of mud.

Shouted loudly.

"Mr. Zhao, you ... run, run ..."

"Here, I'll stop him."

"Hurry up-!!!"

The bald and strong man is indeed loyal to Zhao Zhongfu.

Even now, in this life and death crisis.

The first thing a bald man thinks about is the safety of his boss, not his own.

However, the bald-headed loyal and loyal man will eventually be thrown away.

Because, at this time, Zhao Zhongfu had been so horrible before his eyes.

The horror scene was completely frightened.

Both legs are more like being filled with lead, as if it were heavy.

Even if Zhao Zhongfu tried his best, there was no way to move half a minute.

I can't stand anymore, so why run away?

Even, in the eyes of Zhao Zhongfu.

Zhang Xiaofan is no longer human.

It's evil, but nightmare ...

No matter what Zhang Xiaofan is, in short he can never be human ...

At this time, there was no living person in the large villa living room.

Zhang Xiaofan stopped his hand just now, his double knives were held in the palm of his hand, and naturally drew down to his side.

Drops of Yin Hong's blood beads.

Slowly dripped down the blood slot of the long knife, dripping from the tip of the knife to the ground.

A "tick ... tick ... tick ..." crisp sound.

Zhang Xiaofan slowly turned around.

Squinting his eyes, watching the trembling holding up his sword, Zhao Zhaofu was behind the bald man.

There was a stun in his eyes, wondering.

"Drink, good ..."

"I don't see how loyal you are ..."

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