The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1583: The evidence is in hand!

Anyway, I still had two fathers.

The reason is to associate these with "protective umbrellas" and the big names on the Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

The important information of the transaction is related documents and evidence.

They all gave the details to them and kept them one by one.

For that, it's not just about saving your life at a critical moment.

Prepare yourself a "back road" that you can retreat from!

Now, my own life has been pinched in my palm.

Stay in control.

You said, where is Zhao Zhongtian at this time?

Where is the courage to reject Zhang Xiaofan's request at this moment.

In this way, Zhao Zhongtian's eyes flickered for a moment.

Want to understand, after the cause and effect of this matter,

Zhao Zhongtian picked up the code box.

Directly, enter the password here.

And at the end, he pressed his own fingerprint at the top of the lockbox.

"Didi Didi ..."

Soon, a crisp electronic alert sounded.

The password box is also automatically opened slowly in response.

Shown inside, the stacks of kraft paper bags that had been sealed with paraffin wax had long been used.

Zhang Xiaofan turned Zhao Zhongtian to the uncle with a kick, and reached out to pick up a document.

With a casual glance, the corners of his mouth could not help but draw a cold arc.

Sure enough, everything is exactly what Zhang Xiaofan had previously expected.

Hidden in the safe of this safe.

Sure enough, pretending to have something about Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian and his son.

Follow this "protection umbrella" and the big names of Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

Do something, see the unreliable behavior.

It's no exaggeration to describe it as a snake and a rat in a nest.

And at the end, Zhang Xiaofan looked more and more frightened and more angry.

It turned out that over the years, Zhao Zhongfu and Zhao Zhongtian were the father and son.

The reason can be in less than a few years.

From the neighbourhood of Shili Township, you can swindle the rogue and the evil forces.


It became, the famous coal owner and big coal merchant in the nearby Shili Township.

This is not accidental—!

It was Zhao Zhongfu and Zhao Zhongtian who were named by their "protective umbrellas" and the big names on the Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

I chose this father and son as my "front desk man."

In simple terms, it is Zhao Zhongtian, Zhao Zhongfu and his son.

Responsible for quickly converging huge wealth in a short time through the coal business.

And in their father and son, the big men behind this.

Behind it, secretly opened the door of convenience.

Then, all that's left is to take advantage of the fishermen and wait for the money.

And some files and information stored in this lockbox.

Except for a few, bright billing records.

There are also transactions with each other, taking bribes.

At the same time, there are some recordings as well as videos and photos.

And these videos, or recordings.

Although, Zhang Xiaofan did not go through them carefully.

However, Zhang Xiaofan was at this time.

Even if you think about it with your own head, you can think of it.

There must be recorded Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian and his son.

And the big men behind it.

When, where, because


What kind of interest exchange has been made ...

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