The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1585: The end of social tapeworms!

Such as Weibo, mainstream posts, Internet lùntán, and major portals.

Of course, sign up for these new social networking accounts.

Used by Zhang Xiaofan.

It was also the computer of Zhao Zhongtian's home. The iP address in the Zhao Zhongtian's home {Internet interconnection protocol}.

So, take a step back and say something.

Even if it is a follow-up, this is the case investigation team responsible for investigating this case.

Redirect your research goals to the posting accounts of these major social networking sites.

Well, by that time they were able to investigate.

There is only the IP address of Zhao Zhongtian's home.

Also, the laptop at Zhao Zhongtian's house was nothing more.

All of this has nothing to do with his Zhang Xiaofan.

All the spearheads were intentionally led by Zhang Xiaofan to Zhao Zhongtian.

All criminal evidence and all targets were directed at Zhao Zhongtian.

As the real behind-the-scenes manipulator of this incident, Zhang Xiaofan, the planner.

Behind it.

Looking leisurely, Zhao Zhongtian and the "protective umbrellas" behind Zhao Zhongtian.

And the big names of Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

Towards the end of the scene-! !! !!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan's mouth slightly raised to outline a confident smile with a bamboo in his chest.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan will be these.

Zhao Zhongtian followed above, some big figures of the Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

And the evidence of a link between their "protective umbrellas".

There are also billing transactions, trading videos, audio.

All have a brain, all uploaded to the major networks lùntán, Weibo, post it.

And also added one by one bold, highlighted titles.


The shady scene behind Zhao's Coal Group and Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

The snakes and mice are in a nest, and the wolves are committing crimes.

After all this was done yesterday, Zhang Xiaofan was sitting in front of the computer.

Refreshing over and over again, all the posts he just sent out and Weibo.

Waiting, this matter is further fermented after this.

Also, this follow-up progress.

as expected...

When Zhang Xiaofan was exposing some of the big names in the Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

With Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian and his son are behind this.

Some unscrupulous rights and money transactions were carried out.

And, shelter the wind and rain for their father and son.

Relevant evidence of those "protective umbrellas", as well as interests.

The process before and after this only took less than 10 minutes.

Just like the same whirlwind.

Thoroughly, there were waves of stormy waves on these major portals.

Even Zhang Xiaofan noticed.

There are also some related Weibo posts on major websites.

After that, it was all within less than 10 minutes.

Already, it is by those netizens who don't think it is a big deal.

It was directly pushed to the top 10 position of the major Weibo real-time search rankings.

I believe it won't take long.

This is about Zhao Zhongfu, Zhao Zhongtian and his son.

Behind them, this series of speckled crimes.

And those unscrupulous puppets, despicable acts.

Will also be taken out directly.

Throw it in the sun and expose it.

Let everyone recognize it ...

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