The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1616: This big man is even better than you!

This makes it easy to see.

What a horrific position Li Weiguo is in Beihe Province.

However, even Li Weiguo is a big name in Beihe province.

Right now, it's just a trivial matter.

Just go directly to a small police station to fish for people?

This ... what is this international joke?

Of course, he wouldn't think he was naive.

This Li Weiguo, Father Li is nothing to do.

Ran to Xinhua Road police station for a walk and take a ride.

By the way, talk to the director of the police station there to talk about what's short in the parents.

Therefore, this can only explain one problem.

That is, the identity of the person being taken to the police station.

It must be extraordinary-!

Just what kind of big man it is.

Actually, can there be such a big face?

Li Weiguo can be a big man in Shenhe, Beihe.

Have to condescend and go to the point of welcoming in person?

Is it possible that this big man is even more powerful and powerful than Li Weiguo and Father Li?

If not.

There is absolutely no reason why Li Weiguo would be so condescending to please each other!

"Screams ..."

Thinking of this, Zhu Huaian couldn't help but take a hard breath.

Obviously, he was also guessed by his own mind.


However, there were two people in Li Weiguo, Zhu Huaian.

Zheng nonstop, heading for the Xinhua Road police station.

When hurried over.

At the same time, on the other side.

Because of Zhang Xiaofan, the two policemen were previously.

Bring in, the reason for this police station.

The villagers of Happiness Village, who were still in high spirits, were going to eat a festive feast.

At this moment, they are all messed up.

At this time, everyone couldn't care less about anything else.

One by one, the drivers of the buses have been asked.

Drive the car directly to the Xinhua Road Police Station.

However, all villagers in Happy Village.

One by one, they were all enclosed in the police hall of the police station.

At this moment, I heard a "creak—!" A brake sounded.

The crowd looked around.

When I saw a silver grey BYD F3, I stopped at the gate of this police station steadily.

"Yinghua is here ..."

After seeing the license plate number of this BYD F3.

The first time Zhou Cui'e recognized this was her sister Zhou Yinghua's car.

She knew that her brother-in-law's nephew worked at the Xinhua Road police station.

Especially some time ago.

Zhou Cui'e even heard that her brother-in-law Wu Dasheng showed off in front of himself.

His brother's nephew, Wu Haiming, who works at the police station.

Now, it is already rising.

Police from the original police station.

Stepped up into the sky and became the deputy captain of the police force.

As the saying goes, there are people inside who are good at things.

If, if there is Wu Haiming in it to intercede for his son.

I believe that small things can be reduced to small things.

It doesn't take long for his son to come out safely.

Thinking of this, Zhou Cui'e quickly rushed forward, said.

"Sister, you also heard that Xiaofan was mistaken

Got to the police station? "

"That's really good ..."

See, this is Zhou Cui'e who is knocking on his window glass.

Zhou Yinghua was in the car for a long time ...

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