The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1619: Really enough for six relatives to deny it!

Speaking of the end.

Zhou Yinghua also deliberately used the words "official affairs".

The syllable bite is extremely heavy.

What I want to express is simply too obvious.

It was made clear that Wu Haiming was to be in this detention room.

Good "entertainment", "entertainment" Zhang Xiaofan.

"Yinghua, Xiaofan is just a child."

"You ... you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face."

"Anyway, Xiao Fan is also your grandma."

"You ... how can you care about your nephew?"

Hearing this, Zhou Cui'e was frightened and hurried forward, begging bitterly, said.

"Oh ... I said my sister knew this kid was my nephew?"

"Unfortunately, my nephew seems to be getting bigger outside."

"So much so that the six relatives now don't recognize him."

"Just now, he wants to sever relations with my aunt?"

"Okay, then I will fulfill him."

"Since your son doesn't recognize me as my aunt."

"You said, why should I recognize your sister?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"You have a fart in front of your mother ---"

After hearing Zhou Yinghua's words, Zhou Cui'e eyes followed.

She never dreamed.

"My sister."

"Just ... it's like a crazy dog ​​who catches and bites who.

"Mother, you don't need to care about such people."

"People like this are the masters who bully and fear hard."

"You let him, the less he knows his last name, the more he puts his nose on his face-!"

Seeing my mother.

To Zhou Yinghua, this desperate white-eyed wolf begged.

Zhang Xiaofan's tone was also very polite.

"So ... what should Xiaofan do now?"

"God knows what you did."

"Mother, don't worry, I haven't committed anything, and I have a clear conscience."

"Don't let them hold me up!"

"Ha ha..."

"I think you are silly, little redhead."

"You did not commit any crimes. You said nothing if you said it, I said it!"

Hearing the words, Wu Haiming, who had been holding his arms coldly on the sidelines, immediately chuckled and said loudly.

"Well, you don't have to talk more nonsense about this little red guy, Heming."

"Just go through the process and do whatever you want."

After Zhou Yinghua spoke, she winked at Wu Haiming again.

The latter immediately understood, and saw Wu Haiming stride forward.

Raised his hand and politely pushed Zhou Cui'e aside, scolding him, said.

"I said, you dead old lady."

"How long do you want to stay here?"

"Let's stay here again, believe it or not, and arrest you for crimes against public service."


Zhou Cui'e is a middle-aged woman in her fifties.

Where else can stand such a strong push from Wu Haiming?

On the spot, just hearing Zhou Cui's exclaim, the whole person fell heavily to the ground.


After seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaofan's eyes followed.

He "teng--!" Stood up from his chair.

With a hard hand!

I saw that the handcuffs that were originally handcuffed on Zhang Xiaofan's wrists were like paper.


Zhang Xiaofan was easily broken.

"You dare to touch my mother--!"

Zhang Xiaofan strode forward.

Reaching out and holding Wu Haiming's neck directly ...

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