The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1667: You really see the rudder

This made Zhang Xiaofan subconsciously think that the reason why Qian Huizhen would turn around and run away.

It was because of the mountain that Guo Yunying moved out of before that he was scared and farted.

Just ran back to my home.

Unexpectedly, this time was only 10 minutes.

I saw Qian Huizhen who ran away and fled.

Turned back again.

However, this time Qian Huizhen is different from the last time.

It's not that he came to Zhang Xiaofan for trouble.

Instead, both hands were full of large and small gift bags.

"I'll go, won't I?"

"What is this operation again?"

Seeing this behind Qian Huizhen's return.

Zhang Xiaofan is also somewhat confused about the opponent's routine.

He had no idea what kind of medicine was sold in Qian Huizhen's gourd?

Of course, the same uncle monk is scratching his head.

It's far more than Zhang Xiaofan.

Even Zhao's mother and Zhao Yingying were peeping at each other.

It's also a bit confusing, what does Qian Huizhen mean this time?

Just in the case of Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao's mother, Zhao Yanying and his team were all surprised, staring inexplicably.

Then, Qian Huizhen reached out and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Then, place the big gift bag on the ground.

Immediately, the whole person seemed like a spring hurting "Duang——!"

As I saw, Qian Huizhen bowed herself and rubbed her hands.

An old face with a thick makeup and full face was full of charming, flattering dog leg smiles, said.

"Hey ..."

"Xiao Fan ..."

"Although the two of us haven't had much contact normally."

"But it doesn't matter--!"

"I'm with your aunt Zhou Yinghua, but that's a good girlfriend relationship."

"Since you are Yinghua's nephew."

"That is also my nephew of Qian Huizhen."

Then, Qian Huizhen shoved another gift box into Zhang Xiaofan's hand, said.

"You see, my aunt doesn't know Xiaofan, you will come to Xiaoying's house today."

"For a while, I didn't prepare any decent gifts."

"This is a piece of soft Chinese that I just bought from a nearby tobacco and alcohol supermarket. Please keep it first."

"Just take it, a little greeting from your aunt ..."

Zhang Xiaofan: "Shanghai United: The urban routine is deep. I want to go back to the countryside."

"Xialian: Rural roads are slippery and people's hearts are more complicated."

"Horizontal approval: urban and rural integration."

Zhang Xiaofan looked, and Qian Huizhen kept stuffing a soft Chinese in his hand.

At that moment, all the black lines were on the door.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, crying and laughing.

"I said Aunt Qian, you just saw this gift out ..."

"As the saying goes, there is no help but no power."

"I don't accept the gift you gave me."

"You take it back ..."

"Hey, what are you saying, Xiaofan?"

"We are all one family and one family doesn't say two things."

"What else do you do with your aunt Qian?"

"Stop it ... Stop it ... Stop it ..."

At this time, Qian Huizhen's smile remained unchanged.

From the side, he picked up a box of Wuliangye and went smoothly, pushing him towards Zhang Xiaofan. ,

Looking at her, it looks like Zhang Xiaofan would be anxious if she refuses to accept it ...

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