The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1682: The good-looking cricket was on his knees!

"Mayor Zhu, who were you talking to just now?"

When I saw Zhu Huai'an, I finally came out of the bathroom.

Liu Yihu also couldn't hold back the cries in his heart and was curious, asking in a low voice, said.

"Liu Yihu, who do you talk to on the phone?"

Zhu Huaian, who had just finished talking to Zhang Xiaofan, was confused.

However, he didn't think much about it and just said it casually.

"Oh, it was a mysterious young man who came to LF with Li Lao yesterday."

"If I remember correctly, he seems to be called Zhang Xiaofan."

"I came from Chenzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

Zhu Huai'an fumbled with his chin, and concluded.

"Anyway a very background person, I can't figure him out ..."

"噗通 —— !!!"

Zhu Huai'an originally wanted to say something more about his own views on Zhang Xiaofan.

Just hear the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground!

He turned to look around, but saw that Liu Yihu was so scared that he was paralyzed.

All over and over, also start to shake uncontrollably ...

How could one be scared, sincere and sincere?


At this moment, Liu Yihu was learning that Zhang Xiaofan had already appeared in

Pushing open the bedroom door, it caught my eyes.

This is Zhao Yingying, wearing a cherry pink silk pajamas.

Leaning on the bedside while eating potato chips, brushing the circle of friends.

The girl's cherry pink silk pajamas, although not the kind of translucent design.

Moreover, the girl's petite and exquisite short body was wrapped tightly.

As a result, Zhang Xiaofan did not use the "eyes of fire and golden eyes".

Basically, you can't see anything.

However, the movement of the girl from time to time twisted her body from time to time to see.

Zhang Xiaofan can still see clearly.

The beauty of that moment, and the faint whiteness.

And that's it, this vague beauty.

It is also the easiest to be able to throb, a man's restless sensitive nerve ...

And this time, this little girl sitting on the bed.

I didn't notice it at all. I was staring at it momentarily.

There is still a moment, not a moment.

Pick up a potato chip from the potato chip bag next to you.

Tankou slightly opened and put it in his mouth.

From time to time, I also sucked on the green fingers.

Zhang Xiaofan who saw it also felt a little "hungry."

He threw the slippers off directly and jumped to the big bed in three and two steps.

She grabbed Zhao Yanying's slender willow waist and held the girl into a bosom.

"Yeah ..."

Feeling his waist tight, Zhao Yingying exclaimed subconsciously.

As soon as I was about to say something, the red lips were already tightly blocked by Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan slipped in along the hem of the silk pajamas, just ready to make it happen.

It was held by a small hand.

"Xiao Fan, don't ..."

"Why not?"

Looking at the arms, the round bun face is full of Hong Xia Zhao Yanying.

Zhang Xiaofan could not help raising his eyebrows, smirking sullenly, said.

"Today, if you don't give me a good reason."

"Otherwise, I would be like potato chips."

"I'll feed you into the belly."

Wen Yan,

Zhao Yingying just wanted to say something.

But it was quite outrageous by Zhang Xiaofan, and he was overbearing ...

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