The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1740: Or He Xiangu is kind!

Emerald Jade Toad: Penglai's unique immortal world was cultivated by He Xiangu, one of the Taoist immortals, using Penglai jade toad and the emerald fairy world.

One year later, the jade jade toad can give birth to jade jade leaves, which can be used to refine the medicine and can be used as medicine.

Ten years later, the jade jade whisker can be won, and the cold wind cream can be used for refining, and the host's body can be reshaped.

Thousands of years later: the jade jade toad, the fruit of this jade jade toad fairyland.

If it is to be given to mortal people, it can be used to wash the hair and marrow, reborn, and increase the longevity of a hundred years.

Taken by immortals, it can stabilize their morals and increase their practice for a hundred years.

After 10,000 years, the jade jade toad fairy world will open its spiritual wisdom.

Its spiritual intelligence is comparable to mortals in the human world, one of which is transformed into a human form and a beast form.

Walking between the heavens and the world, between the earth and the earth.

Cultivation method: You can plant on the spiritual soil of Penglai Wonderland, and irrigate it with the water of the Jiuxiao Tianhe.

This method is the best choice.

It can greatly shorten the growth cycle of the jade jade toad tree.

And make it have a certain chance to produce mutation.

If not cultivated as described above.

Not only will the jade jade toad tree breeding cycle be prolonged.

The chance of mutation itself will also decrease.

If the earth of the human world, the water is used for cultivation and irrigation.

The effect is very poor and basically worthless. Remember, remember ...

"It turns out that this is the seed of the fairyland."

"The name is pretty domineering."

"It's just, how can I feel a pit when I just look at this introduction ?!"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned.

He looked at the triangular red seed in his hands.

The expression on his face became extremely wonderful.

However, the previous actions were adopted.

For one thing, he let Zhang Xiaofan figure it out.

That is, if you only need to touch the seeds of the fairyland of Penglai Wonderland with your palm.

Well, there is information and information about this fairyland seed.

It will be directly infused into one's mind like a maggot initiation.

Of course, it is naturally included in this.

How about yourself, and information about planting this fairyland seed.

It seems that this young lady of He Xiangu is indeed a sweet and kind person.

Come to think of it, there are almost 100 fairyland seeds in this little cloth bag.

Have left their brand of spiritual imprint.

From what soil is used for cultivation, to what kind of water is best to moisturize.

And finally, relevant notes about planting this fairyland seed.

All are already being used by He Xiangu.

In the form of a spiritual imprint, it is engraved on the seeds.

This is simply that He Xiangu will have her life-long experience in planting and nurturing plants.

As well as the experience of planting fairyland plants, they are all infused.

Unreserved teaching to Zhang Xiaofan himself.

Compared to He Xiangu.

I don't know that this is better than Ge Hong, who taught his own medical practice and acupuncture.

And Zhang Daoling, who taught himself how to lower the demon and slay the demon and arrest the demon to seal the demon, did not know how many times to be kind.

It's just, though it seems on the surface.

These come from, the seeds of Penglai Wonderland Wonderland do match up with chicken ribs.

It's a pity to eat without taste.

However, this is nothing to do with Zhang Xiaofan, who has a chat group in heaven.

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