The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1768: Also let people not sleep!

Now he is not alone in his home.

Reba, the big star, is still sleeping outside

How about ...

But it's deeper in the middle of the night.

Reba, the young lady, is not sleeping on her own sofa. What kind of airplane is up?

Zhang Xiaofan murmured, put on pajamas and went downstairs, said.

"I said you don't sleep deeper in the middle of the night, do you learn an owl here?"


Reba was frightened when he heard the sound behind him.

She turned abruptly and was relieved when she saw Zhang Xiaofan behind her.

Immediately, Reba was also staring, a gesture of blame, saying.

"Hey, how dare you ask me what?"

"I'm not feeling a little hungry."

"So, would you like to see if you have anything to eat in your home?"

"As a result, the thing wasn't found but it ended up complaining-!"

"What, hungry?"

"Eat ?!"

Zhang Xiaofan twitched.

He turned to look at the two empty fried chicken boxes on the coffee table in the living room with a ridiculous look.

"Please, are you hungry after eating those two boxes of fried chicken ?!"


Reba wrinkled her small nose, not sulking, said.

"Of course, you don't know that we girls have the habit of eating supper."

"Moreover, let's eat this fried chicken together at noon, right?"

"I didn't have dinner at night, so I'm naturally hungry now ..."

Zhang Xiaofan: "You have big breasts, you are justified ..."

Zhang Xiaofan frowned, and took out the phone directly and looked at the time.

It was found that it was almost half past two in the morning.

At this time, even if it ’s a takeaway brother, they probably all go to bed after work, right?

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the time and found that it was too late now.

At this time, even a takeaway brother who is called a model worker.

It is estimated that it is now 2:30 in the morning.

The takeaway brother is estimated to have packed their "cars".

Go back to your house, find your mom, go to bed and rest?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan proposed to Redba, said.

"It's two thirty in the morning."

"Now Baidu, Meituan, are you hungry? These takeaways are also estimated to be off work."

"Now there is no food left in the landlord's house, otherwise you should go home and eat something."

"Anyway, you go home now and get things back."

"I don't believe it, can you still be caught by your agent for a failure?"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders and resignedly suggested.

"Please, I am so busy with my work that I almost have no time to sleep, okay?"

"Again, small things like eating."

"It's all up to Xiaohui, my life assistant."

"I've always been a shopkeeper ..."

Zhang Xiaofan: "Well a shopkeeper, what you said makes sense, I was speechless ..."

Hearing the little lady skin of Reba, so straightforward words.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan was indeed defeated by this woman's serious fallacy.

"Okay. Since you do n’t have any food in my house, there is no food left in my landlord's house."

"Otherwise, you'll just pass it."

"Anyway, like you female stars, actresses, or whatever."

"Not all. Do you like to lose weight by your mouth?"

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