The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1856: Encountering Downfall!

But in the hands of the man in front of him, maybe he could die forever?

Just like the first time the two men met for the first time, this man also rescued himself from the magic cave in despair.

Thinking of this, Li Muxue could not help holding Zhang Xiaofan's hand a little tighter, and his body could not help but stick to his back.

As if, wanting to do this would give her strength and a sense of security.

At this time, compared to Li Muxue who put all his mind on himself.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's two eyebrows were already slightly squinted.

Especially when he saw the cyan mist that was constantly approaching himself.

Back and forth, this is less than a minute.

I saw that the drug lord had completely blocked all the surrounding exits.

At first, it seemed that there was a bit of thin light green mist, and it turned into dark green at this time.

And, from this dark green poisonous urn.

He also carried the disgusting smell, as if something was rotten, and the general stench came along.

The stench smell just made Li Muxue accidentally inhale into his lungs.

Just let her feel that her respiratory tract is completely blocked by this stench.

It also made her breathless, and her breathing was a bit difficult.


Zhang Xiaofan noticed the strange shape of Li Muxue behind him.

He also quickly took out the wooden box from his arms and pulled out two silver needles.

They were pierced into the Shenting acupoint above Li Muxue's head and Baihui acupoint. The three points in the human acupoint were acupoints.

In addition, the true elements in the body are also injected.

In this way, to clean up the poisonous maggot she had accidentally inhaled into the lungs.

"Thanks ... thanks ..."

With the infusion of Zhang Xiaofan's true yuan, Li Muxue felt that his breathing had also cleared a lot.

Although there is still some difficulty breathing, it is much better than before.

After realizing this, Li Muxue also gratefully looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

She knew that if it hadn't been for the man in front of him, he had helped himself at a critical moment.

So, what I'm going to do now may not be better than the crowd of rogues who died in this drug lord.

However, it is only with these three silver needles that the drug can be completely protected from the body.

This method can be said to completely refresh Li Muxue's outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​in the past 24 years!

It seems that Zhang Xiaofan still has many secrets that he doesn't know ...

"Ha ha ... Nanyang Mystery is just some left-hand approach."

"Did you, the Siamese beheader, only dare to hurt people in the dark, not even revealing your true colors?"

Zhang Xiaofan squinted his eyes.

While he grinned, his eyes were like hawksbills.

Sharp eyes, just glanced around the body.

He kept a close eye on the wind blowing around him.

If you say, for the first time, Zhang Xiaofan accidentally saw the silver-faced old man with the Chinese character face.

He was still a bit uncertain about the origin of this person and did not know what the other party was.

But after seeing the dark green poisonous urn in front of me.

How could he still not be able to tell who it was?

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