The Three Realms of Super Students

: In 1973, it seemed that I wanted to go again!

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan also frowned at his somewhat raised brows.

The movement of the mouse also turned off all the web pages that made her worry about it.

Zhang Xiaofan asked himself, if he really talked about the character of his neighbor, would he really be so uncomfortable.

Then, kill him Zhang Xiaofan.

He Zhang Xiaofan would never believe such a ghost story!

After all, Zhang Xiaofan's vision of knowing people with himself is still very confident.

Although, Reba himself came into contact with himself during this time.

It is undeniable that Reba does have his own small temper, likes to use small temperament, and is a bit stinky and proud.

Even in front of the news media and paparazzi reporters.

Indeed, it can be said that there are endless sets of routines.

In the beginning, even Zhang Xiaofan thought that Reba was too far into the drama because of filming TV series and movies.

As a result, in daily life, all of them started to act in a different way.

However, in the process of one's judgment and understanding of oneself, Zhang Xiaofan is not the kind of person who will let it go.

For some basic situations, Zhang Xiaofan himself has his own independent judgment on things.

For example, Rebata as Zhang Xiaofan knows is the most typical person with external cold and internal heat and a knife-tofu heart.

On the surface, it looks like a prickly rose that doesn't seem to touch the whole body.

But when you really ignore those thorny words that girls take on the surface.

You will find that in fact, the girl Reba is also a very sincere person.

If not, then Zhang Xiaofan would not really be friends with Reba.

Not to mention that after that, he promised Reba to be his personal bodyguard with a seemingly inexplicable request.

You know, Zhang Xiaofan is the most standard person who hates trouble.

If it really makes Zhang Xiaofan feel that there is a problem with a person's character, then it is impossible to pass Zhang Xiaofan's own level first.

At this time, almost all of the bad things that happened on the Internet and on major portals about Reba were on one side.

Zhang Xiaofan can be 100% sure here that the person who made all this farce must be the so-called Wu Tianpeng, the moth that the young Wu Dasang vacated.

At the same time, it is also able to prove from this side that Reba would rather pay a great price for himself.

He even took out his favorite personal career as a bet, and was unwilling to follow Wu Tianpeng's wishful thinking.

From this, it is not difficult to see that at this time Reba is an individual who is rather a bender.

This also proves from the side that Zhang Xiaofan did not misread Reba as a man!

The rest is how Zhang Xiaofan can solve Wu Tianpeng's trouble faster.

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan pulled his cell phone out of his pants pocket.

After rummaging through the address book of the mobile phone, he finally stopped his finger on Cheng Shikai's name, and the corner of his mouth also raised upwards at this moment, sketching a meaningful smile.

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