The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 1979: The real side behind the big stars

At that time, he had just debuted, and he was a complete newcomer.

Basically, when she saw her in the company, she wanted to step on her feet subconsciously.

In this way, I show how amazing I am.

But with his popularity and the star path gradually became clear and open.

Those who once wanted to step on her shoulders to take advantage of the opportunity.

Now I do n’t know which ten lines to paste into, and even Xie Kaihang now.

When the general manager of such a company met her, he would respect and be respectful and courteous because of the popularity behind her and the amount of benefits created for the company every year.

After all, it's not a matter of thought that anyone in this world can't get along.

However, everyone, no matter who they are, will not choose to live with money.

But now and then, Reba is now in trouble and is in trouble.

Reba also knows that he is also insecure when he crosses the river.

Therefore, she can't let her own temper in everything like before.

It's just that there is nothing wrong with Reba himself.

Mainly, Xie Kaihang wanted to take Xiaohui away from him.

This point did touch her bottom line.

Although on the surface, Reba gives a kind of bad contact in private, not very approachable.

It is natural to use the words Gao Leng and Ao Jiao to describe Rebana.

However, all of this is nothing more than a disguise of Reba's confrontation with himself.

Also, Reba is not good at expressing feelings and feelings.

Therefore, people will subconsciously think that Reba is not easy to get along with, and not very good at contacting.

In fact, Reba is a very emotional person in his life, and cares about his friends and partners.

Take her and Xiaohui as examples.

Although on weekdays, the time the two of them spends in private is really not long and full, and it is only about a year.

But all this is exactly what Reba said before.

Although on the surface, Xiaohui and Reba are in a subordinate relationship.

But to be honest, Reba had already taken care of Xiaohui as her own.

At this moment, Reba saw that Xiaohui had already turned to her side for help, and Reba's heart softened immediately.

She bit her lip, and her tone was much softer than before, saying:

"General Xie, although Xiaohui and I have not been together for a long time."

"However, I think Xiaohui is a good person."

"And I don't have any big plans to change assistants for now, otherwise keep Xiaohui with me."

After all, it is now that he wants what he wants.

Therefore, even though Reba was very dismissive of Xie Kaihang, she still had to lower her posture for Xiaohui.

Sure enough, everything was as expected from the beginning of Xie Kaihang's mind. The young lady of Reba was indeed very affectionate.

After seeing here he pointed his finger at Li Xiaohui.

Originally, like a hedgehog, he made concessions when he couldn't keep up, and exposed his flaws ...

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