The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2005: It's a house leak that happens to rain overnight!

At this time, in addition to Luzhou City, the Jiulong Gang was directly placed on this large platform in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

That Shao wénqiáng, Shao Wenhua, the brothers of the Jiulong Gang, is not necessarily the best place, even if it is not the last.

If not, there is the Luo family in Jiangsu and Zhejiang behind to help them back.

That means at this time, the Jiulong Gang had long wondered which corner of the corner was taken over by other underground forces in this province of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Therefore, it is especially similar to the current one-on-a-year competition that uses its own efforts to determine victory and defeat and decides to win or lose.

The high-level leaders from the underground forces of all sides in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces are all across the sea, each showing their magical powers.

They are all from North America, Europe, Siam, and even East. Goguryeo favors masters of Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Karate, and Aikido.

At this time, in turn, they saw that the only one under their Kowloon helper who could get a handle was Aaron who had previously hit a black punch on the Siam underground boxing ring.

Now, Along has already angered Zhang Xiaofan's mold at this time.

Directly on that day, Zhang Xiaofan was killed with a punch.

As the saying goes, the house leak happens to rain overnight ...

When Shao Wénqiáng, the only one in the Kowloon gang, could get the hand Along who was able to get his hand was killed by Zhang Xiaofan.

Right now, there was a rush out of the poisonous sting organization.

There will even be those who come from the top of the three flowers and the atmosphere of refining the atmosphere!

Don't say that Aaron is dead, even if he is still alive, I am probably not far from the death ...

"Oh? Do you want me to represent the Kowloon Gang to participate in this underground competition and then help you solve the drug gang?"

After listening to Shao wénqiáng's remarks, Zhang Xiaofan frowned slightly at this moment without a trace of his brow.

Then he laughed and shook his head, saying.

After all, the underground competition itself is better said to be called a competition.

Speaking of awfulness, it is basically no different from a black boxing or a life-threatening game.

Compared with the current well-known in the world, the uFc unrestricted fighting and the mma comprehensive fighting regarded as the mainstream are completely incomparable.

In addition, this involves some of the distribution of the benefits of many underground forces. The division of spheres of influence has made this underground competition even more "black and white".

The related catty involved in it, as well as some subsequent secret transactions, have been placed directly on the bright side!

"Zhang ... Master Zhang ... you ... you misunderstand ... I ... how dare I think so ..."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's smart eyes, it scared Shao wénqiáng to hit him with a tremor.

The white shirt on the back was also instantly wet with cold sweat, which scared him to open and explain to Zhang Xiaofan again and again.

"Actually ... I have already hired some of our Kowloon Gangs to play well."

"Like, Master Zhou you met in the Qinglong Hall last time."

"Master Zhou, he is also a practitioner who has achieved great success in shaping the fetus."

"But he hasn't punched himself in this underground competition for some years, plus his age is there ..."

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