The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2009: Xiaodi's own pride!

"Cash Out All !!!!!!"

It's time to burn your eyebrows, where is there any spare time for Reba to care how much can be realized?

Solving the liquidated damages of these endorsement contracts beforehand is one of the most important things that Reba does not have right now.

After all, Reba's cash is not thousands of dollars, as simple as tens of thousands of dollars. It's a big deal of tens of millions.

If you want to cash out all the money in one go, mention it.

Well, this will undoubtedly make a lot less commissions and commissions for the financial management broker Reba.

Therefore, for the sake of his own pockets, the female agent thought for a moment and then persuaded Reba again, saying:

"Ms. Reba, I'm here to persuade you again."

"After all, if you have encountered something important, especially if you need to use this huge amount of money."

"Then, I personally suggest that you better not rush to cash out these wealth management products and insurance contracts now."

"It's a very, very big loss for you after all ..."

Although, this financial management broker is in a persuasive tone.

However, the tone is still as polite and courteous as before.

After all, the principle that the customer is God is universal everywhere, especially for V and ViP big customers like Reba.

"Lack of money? Hehe ..."

When Reba heard the words of the financial broker, he paused for a while and even laughed out loud, saying:

"Please, your imagination is too rich, right?

"On my side, I just want to increase my holdings in the brokerage company."

"Why does it get the same smell in your mouth?"

After so many years in the entertainment industry, Reba naturally has her own pride.

So, when she saw her financial manager asking her if she was short of money.

At this time, Reba naturally did not tell the truth.

After all, no matter who it is, they don't want to show their dismal side in the eyes of outsiders.

"Oh .. oh ... oh ..."

"It turns out, Miss Reba, do you want to increase your stock in your brokerage company?"

"That's a good thing!"

"You know, even ordinary people like us who want to buy stocks in such companies may not have this way?"

Speaking of which, the financial agent said a little bit of tone and then turned sharply, saying:

"But, since Miss Reba, you want to increase your stake in your own company."

"Then I think, Ms. Reba, you can save these financial insurance contracts in your current name first, and don't cash them out for now."

"After all, the cash loss of this insurance is really a bit large and not cost-effective ..."

"Forget it, I've decided, you can now prepare the necessary procedures accordingly."

"At that time, I will go directly to your company to sign!"

We have n’t waited for the financial broker to finish his speech here. Reba interrupted the speech directly. Obviously, I do n’t want to continue to talk about this ...

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