The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2083: Just run and you can run!

But this feeling is like, this delicate and strange feeling that the kitten is tickling on the heart ...

"Zhang ... Zhang Xiaofan, you ... are you alright ?!"

At this moment, Liu Shengyao was also able to detect Zhang Xiaofan's anomaly, and her face was unknown when she was infected with two red clouds.

I don't know why, she was so surprised that she remembered the moment when she performed the task with Zhang Xiaofan in the Villa Garden of Wanghu ...

At that time, when I was kissed by Zhang Xiaofan, it seemed that I couldn't say this clearly, the way was unknown, but it did have a subtle feeling that really existed ...

However, the last time Zhang Xiaofan kissed his red lips and this time he kissed his thigh ...

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan was busy helping Liu Shengyao to **** out the snake venom from the wound on her right thigh.

Where else can I take care of talking with this little lady's hide?

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan took another deep breath at this time and continued to increase his suction, trying to **** out the snake venom hidden in the wound.

"you you you..."

Feeling the subtle touch on his thigh, Liu Shengyao also felt pretty and hot at this time.

A sudden electric current rushed through, which made Liu Shengyao scream.

Then, like the cat who had been trampled on the tail, she was so fast that she could not cover her ears, and the wind rushed out ...

"Well ... Captain Liu ... Captain Liu ... are you okay ?!"

At this moment, Lao Zhou, who was playing with his mobile phone in a boring place far away, suddenly saw the ups and downs, and Liu Shengyao, who rushed over with a blushing face, couldn't help but shout.

And after hearing these words from Lao Zhou, Liu Shengyao's blushing little face was more like bleeding at this moment.

She kept rushing down the mountain without saying a word, and turned a deaf ear to Lao Zhou's shout.

"Hey, who are these people?"

"My dear, I risked her life to help her with snake venom, but in the end she didn't even have to say a word of thanks. She just patted her **** and left?"

Looking at Liu Shengyao's back and fleeing, Zhang Xiaofan wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth at this time, shrugged his shoulders, and presented a world-like tragic sadness.

"I'm going ... aren't I ?!"

Seeing this Liu Shengyao who was rushing at a sprint speed of 100 meters, Lao Zhou was so shocked that he almost didn't throw the phone directly!

Ten minutes ago, my captain was still half dead, and the whole person might have a bad look at any time.

But after 10 minutes, he had not only swept away his past morbidity, but he was still able to walk, and sprinted for 100 meters.

Well ... a fight with Bolt!

"Mr. Zhang's medical skills are superb, sincerely superb, disobedient ..."

Thinking, thinking about Lao Zhou, he looked towards Zhang Xiaofan, but then the expression on his face suddenly became ambiguous and undescriptible.

"Hey, I said what do you think I do ?!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan also came over to Lao Zhou. He originally wanted to say hello to Lao Zhou.

But then he saw that Lao Zhou looked very wrong at his own eyes, which made Zhang Xiaofan wonder, said.

"What happened to Lao Zhou, could it be a flower on my face?"

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