The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2131: Who carries it is not necessarily!

That would be tantamount to shaking the big tree, Firefly and Haoyue contending--

One of them is a soaring dragon who has been flying for nine days, turning his hands into clouds, and covering his hands with rain, while the other is just a frog sitting at the bottom of a well sitting on the ground and watching the sky.

There is absolutely no comparability between the two!

At this time, compared with Zhang Xiaofan and Luo Yurou's confrontation with the situation on the platform, there was no fluctuation in heart, and there was even an impulse to laugh.

At this time, in Xiaoya's heart, it was the same as Luo Yurou's previous words and Zhang Xiaofan's so bland reaction.

Adding the two together is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Together these two, but in Xiaoya's heart immediately set off a stormy sea, a violent storm!

Xiaoya now really has a feeling of ruining her three views, and even has a little doubt about life and can't understand the world.

In front ... who are the two in front of the holy ...

This ... this bragging force is going to be just a "basic law".

You just do n’t follow the "Basic Law" and pretend to force this ... Is this really good?

In addition, if Zhang Xiaofan is really as powerful as Luo Yurou said.

Then why, he is not standing on the platform directly as a strong man now.

What kind of Zheng Haoping would be wiped out of the ring in an unbeatable absolute power?

You know, the previous battle between Zheng Haoping and Jiang Zhensheng had already laid the groundwork.

In the hall, because of the fight between Zheng Haoping and Jiang Zhensheng, the atmosphere was directly raised to a peak!

If at this time, Zhang Xiaofan chose to stand at the apex of the atmosphere in this hall.

With an unbeatable power, he directly defeated Zheng Haoping by three divisions, five divisions, and two divisions.

No doubt, this will be a great thing for both fame and fortune ...

Maybe ... Maybe you will be attracted by the tycoons of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the VIP boxes on the second floor, V, V, ViP.

From then on, it is not impossible to step back and forth ...

But is he rare?

At that time, it is still unknown who is to carry who, and who is allowed to equalize.


Just when Xiaoya was watching Zhang Xiaofan and Luo Yurou were secretly wondering.

Right now, at this time, I saw Zheng Haoping, who was standing high on the ring, with an arrogant look directly and unscrupulously scanning the people below the ring and so on.

Then, in an arrogant tone, he said:

"Who else wouldn't agree with me?

At this time, watching Zheng Haoping slap "梆 ... 梆 ...!"

In addition, the scene at this moment, in terms of sight.

This gives people the feeling that they are not in the new era of the 21st century.

It was the Spartan warrior who went back to Viotti from 800 BC to 146 BC, thinking about the roar of the victors he encountered.

"Well, the junior Huangkou children dare to be mad here, I will meet you, old man !!!!"

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