But if this kind of soul-strength person holds deep grievances before death, he will not be in a kind of nonsense from that irritable, crazy state.

To be honest, the ecstasy messenger of the second class in this kind of high-level soul strength deceased is simply "thousands of miles give people a head, courtesy is light and affectionate".

Therefore, generally higher levels are needed, and even when they reach the level of "ox head" and "horse face", the gangsters of the "Big Brother" level of Yincao Difu personally shoot!

It ’s just that “big guys” at the level of “ox head” and “horse noodles” are definitely very rare even if they are placed in Yincao Difu!

This is all about having too many monks but not enough, ah ...

However, if it is possible to seduce such a dead soul with a high soul strength in the first place, the consequences are simply unthinkable ...

Even the "human soul" of such a dead soul with high soul strength is reunited, and when it is corpse, it will harm one party, kill others, and finally evolve into a "monster" like drought!

You should know that the drought itself is that the "human soul" in the dead body is proud of "renewing life" after "rising the body".

So as to absorb the sun and the moon, the essence of heaven and earth strengthens itself to sit down to reverse yin and yang, reverse life and death, and finally evolve into that kind of incompatible existence!

Therefore, it is precisely because of this layer of consideration that ...

Yan Baoer felt that as the "long princess" of Yincaodifu, in the face of such a crisis, it was naturally incumbent on him to step forward.

Therefore, Yan Baoer was so busy that he put on his body and asked him about the impermanent uniform.

Then, she hurried towards the Li family mansion where Li Weiguo was located ...

But people are not as good as the sky ...

Although, Yan Baoer's side can be said to be coming up very fast.

Coincidentally, Zhang Xiaofan once again grabbed the scene of this incident in front of Yan Baoer.

And, what was even more unexpected was when Yan Baoer found out the lure cord he was carrying from his waist.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan also happened to have pulled out his own "silver needle" almost at the same time ...

As for what happened after that, it was Zhang Xiaofan who was shot by Yan Baoer's little sister-in-law.

Then, her whole body seemed to have been fixed by someone, and she was in the midst of the air. She was unable to move even a little finger ...

When Yan Baoer realized that her body had lost her control, it was also an unprecedented tension that made her suddenly fall into the Tao. In shock, her heart was nervous and afraid ...

However, this is not the worst. The worst thing is that his little sister-in-law has been tarnished by the salty pig's hands of this apprentice ...

This ... this uncle can't stand it!-!

However, after a short period of horror and confusion, although his body was still unable to move.

However, Yan Baoer is now almost aware of what is going on now.

Looks like, this time I met a "repair person" ...

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