The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2300: No problem, this is Zhang Xiaofan!

Yan Baoer's clever kick with the sound of "whooting ..." was already coming to Zhang Xiaofan's Majesty-!

"Mom sells criticism, improperly ... extremely improperly ..."

Looking at Yan Baoer's sharp little leather boots in the previous paragraph, the horse was about to use the legendary female self-defense technique behind the "broken son and no grandchildren".

Zhang Xiaofan just felt a "smell ...", and there was only one thought left in his heart.

"Mom sells batches, I'm still án-!!!"


A buzzing sounded from Zhang Xiaofan's ear!

I saw a wave of pale gold ripples instantly between his lower body and Yan Baoer's small leather boots, directly defending Yan Baoer's tricky and fierce "broken son's feet".


Seeing that these five thunder peach swords once again resolved Yan Baoer's offensive, Zhang Xiaofan was immediately at ease at this time.

At the same time, he also has a certain estimate of Yan Baoer's strength.

Come to think of it, if this "female ghost" who finds himself is able to use his power from the perspective of true Yuan Xiu, he should urge that the ecstasy should be the Jin Dan strongman who is building a base!

It's just that the mana fluctuations on the female ghost can't be talked about and how strong.

It seems that she should have just broken through the foundation and it wasn't long before Jin Dan was completely stable in her body!

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaofan, his current real Yuan Xiuwei is the Five Qi Dynasty, and the state of consummation and consummation is definitely not as good as that of Yan Baoer.

But no matter what, at this time Zhang Xiaofan was pregnant with the "artifact" of the "Five Thunder Peach Sword" that Zhang Daoling himself had made for himself.

This is what makes him invincible, right? !!

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan was secretly thinking about the real Yuan Xiu and the gap between his strength and Yan Baoer.

But at this time, after seeing her attack again without success, Yan Baoer's heart was full of shame and anger!

She clenched Xiao Fanquan, and "Hang--!" Came to Zhang Xiaofan's chest!

"I'm going, I don't miss my chest!"

Seeing Yan Baoer's Xiaofenquan beating fiercely towards his left chest, Zhang Xiaofan also took a sigh of curse in his heart and said.

"Mom sells lots, tigers don't show their prestige, you are hellokitty?"

"Isn't it just a young lady who just broke through the foundation and hasn't got a foothold yet, really being a little master and I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

"Come without rudeness, come to me, we hurt each other-!"

The moment Yan Baoer attacked his chest, Zhang Xiaofan also reluctantly attacked Yan Baoer's chest.

However, Yan Baoer used the "fist" and Zhang Xiaofan used the "palm" ...

Well, it's fine, this is Zhang Xiaofan ...


Suddenly, it seemed that the air in the corridor was quiet ...

Yan Baoer's beautiful eyes rounded a pink carved jade face, filled with errors, and looked at Zhang Xiaofan in shock.

And Zhang Xiaofan also bowed his head and looked at the direction of his attack.



After a short while, Zhang Xiaofan yelled at the same time with this Yan Baoer ...

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