The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2332: You are planning to find a partner!

In terms of nature, there is a huge difference between heaven and earth in the former.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, Reba has basically boarded the thief ship of Shen Biyue and Wang Yahui.

Reba was completely tied to this newly-established Yayue cosmetics company.

The three of them can basically be said to be grasshoppers on a rope.

If it is usually done, people in their own premise resemble the thing of binding their personal image with the overall image of the company.

Then at this time Reba would definitely hesitate to think about it.

Moreover, Baoba would not allow Reba to hear the other party's intentions in this regard, or they would just go away unhappy, and it wouldn't be completely impossible to pack people away.

However, because this time is the middleman of this cooperation time made by Zhang Xiaofan.

At that time, even Reba really had doubts about cooperating with the company with Shen Minyue and Wang Yahui.

But as long as Zhang Xiaofan asked, she would not hesitate to agree to this matter.

Not for others, just because this person is his Zhang Xiaofan——! !! !!

"Sister Reba, this time my cousin Wang Yahui and I didn't bring you a blank check. Hu Binghaikan. This time, we brought dry goods."

Speaking of which, Shen Yueyue winked at Wang Yahui next to her. Soon the latter would take out the thick documents from the briefcase on the side and put them directly on the coffee table in front of Reba.

"Reba, this is the original contract that our company has prepared for you. How do you look at it?"

"" If we think we can, we can continue to talk about the company's image endorsement contract ... "

"Well, let me look at the files first."

While talking, Reba looked at Zhang Xiaofan sitting opposite him, and wanted to hear his opinions on the matter.

However, when Reba turned his head and saw this time, Zhang Xiaofan was just like a okay person, with eyes and nose, nose and heart.

There is no way to say: "I'm on-hook, I'm mad, don't disturb-!!!" This line of characters was engraved on the face.

"whispering sound--!"

After seeing this, Reba shrugged his lips in disdain and then reached for the draft contract that Wang Yahui had taken out from the coffee table and flipped it quietly.

In the process, the three people in the box did not speak, waiting quietly for a reply from Reba.

It was almost about thirteen, four minutes later.

Reba put the last document in his hand on the coffee table, and then re-focused on Shen Yueyue and Wang Yahui, the second daughter.

"I've seen everything about this contract, and there are 25% of the company's original shares."

"If it is only for the condition, it really makes people find no reason for rejection at all."

After hearing this, Shen Minyue finally put down a stone in the throat of her throat and a smile appeared on her face.

As for Wang Yahui, who was next to her, who was also serious at this time, became soothing and softened a lot.


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