The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2388: See also Wang Shenyi!

Fortunately, the look on Zhang Xiaofan's face remained the same as before, but he frowned without a trace, said Tao.

"Wang Shenyi ?! Isn't Wang Qiming ..."

Hearing this Li Changxu's mention of the Wang Shenyi, Zhang Xiaofan subconsciously thought that he had treated a snoring patient in the First People's Hospital before, but at that time had some dealings with this Wang Qiming.

However, if it wasn't for Li Changxu's mention of this person, Zhang Xiaofan wouldn't necessarily remember that there was still this figure.

"Master Zhang, do you know this person ?!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan actually broke the identity of the king's divine doctor, Li Changxu was also surprised.

"I have played with him a few times before this Wang Qiming. This person has a mix of medical skills and deceit, half of it, half of it."

"Can't say that this person has no real ability, but this person's utilitarian heart is too heavy."

"Medicine's achievements are really limited along the way. If you can count on him to treat Father Li, it will be useless ..."

"I understand ... I understand Mr. Zhang ..."

Hearing that Li Changxu nodded again and again, said.

"If it weren't for me but Wang Qiming, I wouldn't have asked Dao Zhang to ask you to go."

Having said that, Li Changxu's tone was a little pause before he continued.

"However, because my father's father has recurrent attacks, and every time the old illness recurs, it happens to correspond to my second brother's previous statement."

"Plus, this time my brother moved out of my father's affairs again. So, even if I am the elder brother, it's not too much to block, or it will be easy to be realized ..."

"I understand..."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded in understanding, indeed, things were as bad as Li Changxu said.

Even if Zhang Xiaofan stood in Li Changxu's position to deal with this problem, then Zhang Xiaofan asked himself that he might not be able to handle it better than Li Changxu.

After about 10 minutes of exercise, the vehicle also slowly entered the Li's house.

Compared to the last time, this time the Li family's big house single theory is obviously bigger.

In addition to the presence of Li Weiguo's guard captain Liu Guanting, Li Changming was present, and there were dozens of people wearing military uniforms, wearing military caps, one by one with the fierce, killing spirit unique to soldiers.

Needless to say, these people are either the soldiers brought out by Li Weiguo or the children of the Li family.

And Wang Qiming and his deputy doctor were also present, but compared to the last time Zhang Xiaofan was ridiculed in front of the entire First People's Hospital, playing with the wolverine appearance between applause.

At this time, Wang Qi was obviously proud of the mixed spring breeze. In this Li family, he was treated as a VIP, sitting in the top of the living room.

"Brother, this is Zhang Shenyi who has been chanting in our ears? Is there anything wrong, I think he should not have graduated from medical university ..."

Just when Zhang Xiaofan approached the villa's living room on Li Changxu's approach.

I saw a middle-aged woman in a fashionable and beautiful dress with a strong makeup and frowning, looking up and down on Zhang Xiaofan with suspicion and uncertain eyes, her face full of doubts and contempt ...

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