The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2442: Every flower grows a strawberry!

If you are not careful, you should touch any sensitive place you should touch or should not touch. In case you should be mistaken for a prodigal son again, isn't it embarrassing?

However, looking at the exquisite and graceful figure in front of me, covered with a white shirt, this is also a sense of regret that Zhang Xiaofan's heart rose for no reason.

"Hum, and said that he was not a prodigal son ..."

Reba came sideways, and just saw Zhang Xiaofan with a bit of regret, but unfortunately, he could not help but gave him a white look, coquettish, said.

"Cough ... cough ... cough ..."

Seeing that his thoughts were broken, Zhang Xiaofan could only continue to cough twice to cover up the distress on his face.

"Okay, it seems that in the heart of this little girl's skin, the prodigal son of this prodigal son can't afford to lose it in this life ..."


"咚 ... 咚 ... 咚 ..."

At this time, the atmosphere in the bedroom was seemingly incomprehensible and ambiguous, an untimely knock on the door suddenly broke the "quietness".

Zhang Xiaofan adjusted his mind, went out to the bedroom and opened the door to the room, but it was Shao Wenhua who stood outside.

Shao Wenhua, who was just entering the door, saw that Zhang Xiaofan had a lot of blood on his hands, and even his clothes were stained with a lot of blood. This immediately made him nervous.

"Master Zhang, are you injured ?!"

Shao Wenhua quickly worried about asking, said.

"No, let's talk about it. Are you absolutely ordinary people that could hurt me?"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, his tone relaxed, and said.

Shao Wenhua glanced twice, but saw that Zhang Xiaofan was full of vigor, although he had blood stains on his body, and his complexion did not look like an injury at all.

On the contrary, Reba, who just came out of the bedroom, looked more like an "injury".

Not only his face was a little pale, but he also just passed on a pair of casual pants and a white shirt, which looked a little disheveled.

After seeing this, Shao Wenhua realized that he had quickly lowered his head, and at the same time he wished to directly draw a few big ear scrapers in his heart.

"Emmm .."

It seems that the battle last night was quite fierce. You see, my pig's brain didn't even think about this layer, and he froze to ask if Master Zhang was injured?

After thinking about it, Shao Wenhua looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a stingy gaze and said nothing.

"What's wrong, is there a flower on my face?"

Zhang Xiaofan touched his own face, but was also somewhat blinded by Shao Wenhua's strange look.

"No ... no flowers, no flowers ... I just want to see if Master Zhang has strawberries on your neck ..."

Speaking of this, Shao Wenhua also blinked, and threw away the eyes that a man knew about Zhang Xiaofan.

After hearing the words "strawberry", Reba at the back turned red.

"Strawberries? What strawberries—!"

"I said, Shao Wenhua, why are you kid thinking so impure? Can't you think of something full of positive energy all day?"

Zhang Xiaofan's mouth twitched, and he was completely defeated by Shao Wenhua's wild thinking.

What messy thoughts in this mind all day long, what shǎoérbùyí?

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