The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2476: Don't you think I'm Conan!

In addition, based on the understanding of Zhang Xiaofan's personality and the way of doing things, Liu Shengyao has long wondered about it.

However, the bars that Zhang Xiaofan often goes to on weekdays do not have the kind of disco or hot girl.

It's the kind of elegant and comfortable lounge bar, suitable for talking, talking with friends, drinking and chatting.

After walking into this lounge bar, I saw the soothing, elegant light music playing in the bar.

It's not the kind of heavy metal music that makes people furious when they hear it.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan was sitting on the elegant seat in a corner, with several empty bottles of Glenfiddich in front of her, and Liu Shengyao was sitting beside her--

Originally, she wanted to ask Zhang Xiaofan, but the other side did not mean to talk to herself at all, but she took care of herself in a glass of drink.

Seeing this, Liu Shengyao estimated that Zhang Xiaofan would have any concerns at this time.

Therefore, she did not continue to talk with Zhang Xiaofan and this 12.13 Luzhou serial murder case.

She didn't like drinking very much, and didn't know what to talk with Zhang Xiaofan except for the case, so she just sat on the deck and let it go.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced down at the bottom of the soda and glanced at Liu Shengyao, who was clearly thinking about it, and couldn't help laughing.

"Why, still thinking about the 12.13 serial killing in Luzhou?"


Liu Shengyao also sighed, said.

"Lead a word, run a broken leg below."

"This case is very urgent. In addition, because of Sun Kehua's involvement now, it took up the 7.21 massacre that caused a sensation across the country five years ago."

"We, the grassroots policemen, can only solve the case as soon as possible in the shortest possible time, and hand in the business as soon as possible."

I heard that Zhang Xiaofan had a knuckle, and he hit it on the bar without any thoughts.

"Well, it's almost OK ..."

"Okay? What is it ..."

Liu Shengyao was also a little dazed by Zhang Xiaofan's sudden sentence.

"What's the deal? Of course, we went to the scene of the crime."

"Can it be done, do you really think I am a detective Conan or Holmes?"

"You can solve the case without even seeing the scene, do you arrest the murderer!"

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Liu Shengyao was overjoyed.

She volunteered and drove Zhang Xiaofan directly to the place where the latest victim's body was found in Jiufeng Mountain.

For about 20 minutes, when Zhang Xiaofan came to the scene of the crime, police had already pulled the yellow cordon nearby.

The red and blue police lights are flashing constantly, and the heavily armed armed police has added a killing gas to the surrounding area!


"Mr. Zhang, you are here. The brothers in the police station have been waiting for you for a long time ..."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan approaching this side, Lao Zhou on the side rushed to take three steps and made two steps, and rushed over to his eyes to shine, excited, and said.

At this time, the Quzhou police who were still conducting on-site inspections at the scene of the crime were unhappy because of the loud noise of Lao Zhou.

However, before they can express their discomfort in their hearts ...

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