The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2493: It's going to be tied into a sieve!

Therefore, the last time Zhang Xiaofan just drank the three kittens by neutralizing them with dragon blood and petal snowdrops.

However, at that time, watching the three kittens drank the "tonic" mixed with Dragon's Blood and Petunia Water, the effect was quite good, but there was no rejection.

Why do you have such a strong rejection reaction with pig blood and dragon blood this time? !!

Just when Zhang Xiaofan was holding his chin and thinking hard about whether he had done anything wrong.

But I saw that the rising blood bubbles in this large basin finally dissipated, and the situation in the entire basin became calmer compared to the beginning.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Xiaofan felt almost OK.

He just stepped forward and took a look--

I saw that the pot of pig blood that was originally filled with Zhang Xiaofan Sheng in the pot now has at most a third of it.

It's just that the blood in this basin is obviously deeper than it was at the beginning.

Gives a very sticky feeling, as if to be condensed into substance!

Moreover, in addition to its own concentration has increased a lot.

In this black-red blood, you can still see a trace of golden mansions looming from the naked eye, and the taste is not as **** as the original.

"I don't know, is this new formula of dragon blood and pig blood used? Is this effect better than dragon blood and petal snowdrop lotus water?"

Zhang Xiaofan was thinking in his heart, and at the same time he took this large pot and walked directly to the dragon blood vine planted not far away.

"唰 ... 唰 ... 唰 ..."

Before we wait, Zhang Xiaofan is near the dragon blood vine. "

"I see, the dense vines on these dragon blood vines, like sharks asked about the **** smell."

"Almost completely agitated almost in an instant, and became uneasy. One by one, the sound of" sand ... sand ... sand ... "came from the ground as if the snakes were out of the hole.

"咻 ... 咻 ... 咻 ..."

The sound of several breaking winds sounded--

I saw that these vines that were still crawling like spirit snakes raised their heads one by one, and stabbed in the direction of Zhang Xiaofan like an arrow!

"I'm going, aren't I ?!"

Seeing this “all arrows go”, Zhang Xiaofan quickly lowered the large basin in his hand, spreading his feet and rushing towards the back.

"嘭 ... 嘭 ... 嘭 ..."

Numerous vines pierced into this large pot almost at the same time.

One by one, they started to **** the "new recipe" of pig blood and dragon blood mixed in the pot.

These one after another, and the vines that came one after another directly squeezed this big pot to the stubborn ones, and there were signs of deformation.

There were also some vines that fell a little behind and didn't squeeze in for a while, and they just pierced the large pot directly outside.

A big pot, in a matter of minutes, it turned into a "colander". Zhang Xiaofan who looked at it called a scalp trouble!

If these vines are not tied to the large pot but to the person's body, then one must not directly tie a good person into a "sieve"!

In this way, almost less than a minute has passed ...

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