The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2504: Bring a lot of new faces!

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan drove along the road to Qian Yuanjiang's house almost 25 or 6 minutes later.


As soon as Zhang Xiaofan hit the steering wheel with a steady side parking, he stopped the car directly on the spot. After getting out of the car, he went straight into Qian Yuanjiang's courtyard.

"Mr. Zhang, you are here at last. Come on, please ... please ..."

In the courtyard of the courtyard, Qian Yuanjiang heard Zhang Xiaofan's voice stabilizing the car from afar. He went out enthusiastically to respond accordingly.

"Ha ha, boss Qian hasn't seen you for a few days, it really is getting better ..."

Seeing Qian Yuanjiang greeted by going out, Zhang Xiaofan also arched his hands with a smile, said.

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan and Qian Yuanjiang embarrassed each other and walked into the lobby of this courtyard.

At this point, in the lobby, Zhang Xiaofan and Qian Yuanjiang appeared in the lobby.

Needless to say, three of them knew Zhang Xiaofan last time.

One is Sun Yuntao, chairman of Hengyu Group, and Yuan Tianhang, vice chairman of Beihe Chamber of Commerce.

The last one is Mr. Nie Lao, whose identity and origins are quite mysterious.

Besides these three old acquaintances, Nie Lao, Yuan Tianhang and Sun Yuntao.

There were five others, but Zhang Xiaofan also met for the first time.

However, it is not difficult to see from their clothing and conversation.

These people do not want to come to be a ubiquitous one by one. They should also have a good position in the business community of Beihe Province. The big businessmen on the rich side have not run away ...

As for the purpose of these people here, Zhang Xiaofan can think that it must have been directed at the superb Longjing in his hands, even with the back of his head!

"Haha ... little friend, we met again ..."

When Zhang Xiaofan looked at the crowd in the lobby and waited, he saw the man with a rather mysterious identity, Nie Lao took the initiative to stand up, arched his hands at Zhang Xiaofan, and greeted him warmly.

"Oh, how old is Nie?"

Zhang Xiaofan himself is the kind of person who respects me one foot and one respects me. Seeing that Nie Lao has already lowered his posture so low in front of himself, he naturally treats him with courtesy.

"Haha ... brother, last time I tasted your Longjing tea."

"I found out that the so-called treasured tea in my previous tea cabinet was not even a fart, it was just as difficult to swallow as the chaff!"

The most cheerful Sun Yuntao, after seeing Zhang Xiaofan, walked up with a smile while clapping his shoulders, and introduced Zhang Xiaofan to the crowd in the lobby.

"Little brother, these are also tea lovers."

"After hearing that you have the best Longjing in their hands, they all left the work at hand and rushed over."

"Come ... let me introduce you one by one. This is the chairman of the board of directors of Star Airlines Group, Zhou Niesheng, this is Wu Feipeng who is mainly engaged in import and export trade ..."

After getting to know each other, the identity of the five people who met for the first time really turned out to be exactly as Zhang Xiaofan had expected in the beginning.

Either the XX Chamber of Commerce holds the real power, or the chairman of the board of a group.

Most of them are in ...

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