The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2545: Be kind to social scum!

No, all of them have been surrounded by the masses of indignant people for a while.

The next moment, the fist greeted them like a raindrop on the faces of the abominable black ambulance people, which drowned them all instantly.

As for the security guards and others in this new era shopping mall, they also noticed the tragic situation of this group of people at this time.

But to those who hate to drive the black ambulance, these security guards all hate their teeth.

On weekdays, it is impossible to find any suitable reason to avenge the scum and miscellaneous people in this society.

But at the moment, it is so difficult for them to catch such an opportunity. How can this let them pass it by?

Just make sure to keep them alive and not hang up.

As for the others?

Ha ha ... who cares!

I have to say that this group of people in "white coats" driving black ambulances and so on have fallen to the end today, and that is purely their own fault!

Take, for example, the "white coats" of these black ambulance gangs, who can see that their black ambulance is not just a license plate outside the country.

The entire ambulance is only equipped with a driver and an ambulanceman, and even the driver does not have driving qualifications.

Then this car is in the process of first aid or medical treatment, once the patient has any life-threatening situation, the consequences are unimaginable.

This is not an ambulance that saves the patient's life and fire and water, and races with death. It will completely send the patient to the coffin and the crematorium!

No, to be more precise, they are a "hatchback" in an ambulance coat! !! !!

But they never thought that the families of those patients who could not see the light they made with conscience in their daily lives put all their hopes and all their hearts on the "ambulance" money that symbolized the passage of life.

This is doomed, they will do such a bad thing, bereavement of the scum of the gods, there will be no good end to the miscellaneous!

Looking at the masses of indignation and beatings and kicks in the middle, a variety of revenge "white coats" and several other companions.

Zhang Xiaofan did not have any sympathy for the end of this group of people.

On the contrary, it urges the real elements in the body, and directly inserts several real elements into the bodies of these people without any traces!

Zhen Yuan was driving into the "white coat", these companions who drove the black ambulance, in the first time, they directly crushed the strange meridians and tendons in their bodies with a strong and powerful attitude!

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to identify such hidden superb means like Zhang Xiaofan based on the current medical level!

No injuries can be proved, but only through these "white coats" and some skin trauma on their companions.

That is to say that the follow-up police would not be able to investigate the group of people who drove the black ambulance, nor could they further investigate their criminal responsibility.

At most, after that, the typical people who took the lead and fought in a wide range of fights and other civil responsibilities.

In this case, even if there is any accident, the fine of 2000-3000 paid for fifteen years in detention will be released smoothly ...

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