The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2610: It's time for your relatives to come here!

If there is no reason, let the "fat" that has come to your mouth be let go ...

But who would have thought, the little girl who was under her body said something next.

Just like a basin of cold water, it was poured down Zhang Xiaofan's head, straight down.

"Little ... Xiao Fan ..... I ... I'm here today ..."

While saying this, Zhao Yingying staggered Zhang Xiaofan's scorching eyes, buried her head in a deep voice, and muttered quietly.

Zhang Xiaofan; "emmmmm ... I have a mom selling approval, I don't know if I should talk about it!"

After hearing this, for a full minute, Zhang Xiaofan maintained the action of opening his mouth, and for a long time, he didn't say a complete word.

Reasonably, Zhang Xiaofan didn't think of it after playing, this little girl actually gave herself such a wave of "sao operation" at a critical moment.

This is really, almost did not directly blind Zhang Xiaofan's 24K gold dog ...

However, Zhang Xiaofan is not, after all, an animal that leans entirely on the lower body to think.

He also knew in his heart that girls usually came to the house when they were "good kisses".

If you have to do that kind of "shyness", it is bad for your body, your health, and even your children's offspring.

Therefore, after considering the above point, even though Zhang Xiaofan has all kinds of reluctance in his heart, he still turned down from Zhao Yingying honestly.

At the same time, he also opened the drawer of the bedside table and took out a plastic packing box from the inside, playing with a stern look.


Seeing the plastic packing box in Zhang Xiaofan's hand, Zhao Yingying lying on the other side of the bed couldn't help curiously looking at it.

As a result, after seeing the words on the plastic packaging box, he quickly exclaimed, and his face was instantly red to the root of his ears.

She almost stained her crystal-like ear beads with blood dripping almost ...

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan was playing with a different kind of balloon.

And on it is written a series of English letters "durex, air invisible air ..."

"Well ... what exactly have I done in my life!"

"This box of Durex is almost in the bedroom drawer for almost three months. When will it be useful?"

Zhang Xiaofan fiddled with the "Durex" in his hand and suddenly a kind of helpless feeling of "strong man's wrists" and "heroic shortness of breath" rose.

At this time, after hearing the sad sigh of Zhang Xiaofan beside him.

Aside from Zhao Yingying, she subconsciously took the unsealed "Durex" from Zhang Xiaofan's hands.

I looked at it in front of me, and then I fiddled with it from the left and right, and whispered,

"It turns out that this is Durex? But how exactly should this thing be used ..."

"This little girl is really simple enough."

"Is it difficult to see a pig run this year and not eat pork?

What's more, can someone who can use "Durex" lie right next to you, and you still ask such questions?

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