The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2613: Hey, you're pretty good!

Zhang Xiaofan's forefoot was just left at home by Zhao Yingying. There is nowhere to worry about killing the daytime today.

On the back foot, Qian Wen took the initiative to come and relieve himself.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan naturally has no reason to refuse, and agreed very decisively.


After 10 minutes, Zhang Xiaofan simply cleaned up and went downstairs.

As soon as Zhang Xiaofan stepped out of the stairs, he saw a Lexus lx570 and stopped at the gate of his cell.

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan stepping out of the stairs, a fat, chubby fat face came out of the window of Lexus lx570.

Looking closely, who is this "little fat man" who is not Qian Wenyi?

Qian Wenyi, with a charming and flattering expression on his face, said, "Hey, Xiao Fan is getting on the bus, the car to the kindergarten is about to start!"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his lips, and was too lazy to talk about this "a penny of money" and just open the door of the co-pilot and sit inside.

Soon, Qian Wenyi took Zhang Xiaofan to the White Swan Hotel in Jiangnan District.

Without saying a word, I will give you all the superb dishes that can be called a signature in this White Swan Hotel.

As for the nature of this good wine.

Needless to say, this "a penny of money" refers to the set of "negative sins" that you want to come with yourself.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan naturally does not refuse to come. After all, being a big brother must have a role as a big brother? !!

In this way, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, the two also began to have a sentence, and each sentence began to chat.

"I'll go, won't I?"

"Xiao Fan, what are you doing with that guy, then the girl is still on time!"

When the two were chatting, Qian Wen suddenly felt a shock and said.

Hearing that, Zhang Xiaofan also looked in the direction of Qian Wen's finger.

I saw that a black man was speaking English full of "local characteristics" and was talking to a beautiful woman.

Zhang Xiaofan listened briefly, and roughly understood the ins and outs of this matter.

To put it simply, it is this foreigner who wants to use this "ask for directions" to start a conversation with this beautiful woman.

It's just that this beauty obviously doesn't want to take care of this "foreign guy", but because the other party can be regarded as a "foreign friend", it is not very good to directly reject it.

Therefore, the beauty can only bite the bullet and talk to this "foreign guy", and the beginning of each sentence answers some of his questions.

At this time, the discerning person can naturally see that the "foreign guy" is clear that the drunkard's intention is not in the wine, and after simply asking the passer, he began to ridicule with the beautiful woman Hu Tianhaidi.

In addition, this "chaotic" is not over yet. In the end, the "foreign guy" actually started to kick the beauty.

It seems that I want to use this status as an "international friend" to eat this beauty directly tofu, take advantage of the beauty ...

The beauty of this beauty is also a typical type of "soft girl". Facing the increasingly excessive behavior of this "foreign guy", she can only shrink back and wince, and it is not easy to attack. ..

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