The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2688: In front of the regular army are roosters!

This set was supposed to be very deadly, and the very dangerous offensive methods would not have any slight impact on him.

That being said, if you really let these hidden killers hit with bullets.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan wouldn't say that the other face would definitely be unstoppable!

At this time, the two killers who were hidden in the dark before this time missed a shot and wanted to prepare for the second round of attack directly.

It's just that the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

At this moment, what the two of them can see is the dense fire network covered by the positions of the two killers in an instant like a squall!

Bang bang ... bang bang ... bang bang ...

Just a blink of an eye, the two killers have been directly shot into two horse honeycombs by the whistling qiāng Lin Danyu, and the whole person is too dead to die anymore.

It turned out that the group of armed police soldiers who had followed Zhang Xiaofan and killed them had rushed into the warehouse.

The previous bullets were blasted out of the handful of Kalashnikovs that they took the lead in!

"Quick, quick, quick, clean the battlefield quickly!"

"If you encounter an enemy who is stubborn and stubborn, you don't need to report it to your superior, and you will kill it directly!"

Do not look at how these killer organizations hidden in the dark one by one, how powerful, how, how lawless, wantonly.

However, their bully, their lawlessness also depends on who they are.

In front of many ordinary people, all of them are holding qiāng weapons, fierce and evil, and the merciless killers are naturally lingering in the eyes of countless people.

However, in the presence of the armed police fighters and the state machine, these criminals one by one are just as vulnerable as a chicken.

In these battle-fighting armed police soldiers, a direct face-to-face effort is deadly wounded.

In less than 10 minutes, only a dozen people were still hiding in the dark corner of the factory building, preparing for the next round of ambush and sneak attack.

However, their conspiracy and tricks have long been anticipated by Zhang Xiaofan here.

In addition, related orders were issued to officers and soldiers at all levels through the mouth of Li Zhenhua.

Therefore, the remaining criminal fans who are still trying to hold up qiāng rebellion are also the grasshoppers after the fall.

However, the armed police soldiers who just rushed into the factory building are in the process of fierce qiāng battles with the killers hiding in the dark corners behind the bunkers.

I saw, at this time, Zhang Xiaofan was keenly aware of a middle-aged man wearing a black England hat on his head and a black trench coat on his body.

At this moment, the man was rushing away in the direction of the back of the factory building, surrounded by several black killers.

"Don't want to run--!"

With his keen sixth sense, Zhang Xiaofan thought subconsciously at this time—

This middle-aged man in a black trench coat is rushing to evacuate. Nine out of ten he is the real murderer of the 12.13 Luzhou Special Dalian Ring Murder Case ...

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