The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2780: I am **** and want to resist!

"It's tied to you like a climbing rope. This kind of climbing rope doesn't matter if you are a little red guy. Even a tiger is not a problem."

"Don't think that you have a few tricks in your hands and you can think of it trivially."

"Tell you, you are tied to this rope. Even if you are a dragon, you have to lay it down for Lao Tzu. It is also a tiger that lays down on Lao Tzu honestly. Anyway, I have the final say here!"

Speaking, I saw an inch-sized man pulling a mechanism directly on the roof.

Hearing only "Hula-!", The heavy tarpaulin that was originally used to camouflage the vehicle was also untied and immediately blown away by the wind.

It turned out that this is a convertible suV off-road vehicle. The main purpose of the heavy tarpaulin before was to cover up some key and important news of the vehicle.

In this case, it is not easy for the police to find out the direction of their car through the traffic monitoring camera!

I have to say that the crime experience of this group of robbers is really rich, and even how to avoid the police hunt has been considered.

If it wasn't for meeting Zhang Xiaofan, he really could not rule out the possibility that they could escape!

"Miao Biao, A Tian killed the little red guy for Laozi--!"

The inch-headed robber fastened his pants to the admiral's belt, and made a bad order to the other two robbers in front of him, said.


A Tian, ​​who was driving in the front, got a command from the boss and stepped on the brake pedal to stop the car on the side of the road.

He stood up and walked towards Zhang Xiaofan and Tang Yan with another companion.

And the two men's faces came with a grievous smile at this time.

After all, even if Zhang Xiaofan really had that good hand, he would now be tied into a bitch, would n’t he?

In addition, the reason why Zhang Xiaofan could hurt the boss of their boss is that they are intentional and careless.

While their boss, the inch-headed brother, focused on the big star, he completely forgot the dangers around him, so this is also totally understandable and understandable ...

However, just when they were thinking secretly in their hearts.

At this time, a sour "creak ... creak ..." sound suddenly sounded in their ears, and it was the two people who had recovered from the previous "God Tour".

This sound seemed to be a kind of overwhelming external force from the rope. It was a kind of overwhelming sound that was about to break.

"Crunch ... creak ... creak ..."

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile-like expression, and then everyone heard a "pop" sound.


I saw that these climbing ropes, which were still firmly tied to Zhang Xiaofan, actually at this time began to crack innumerable rope heads from the middle and spread out around the climbing rope, and finally they were directly broken by the response. ..

"Screams ..."

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan actually breaking the climbing rope with brute force, the three robbers were all staring ...

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