The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2959: Who cares about your life or death!

"The two robbers we met in the bank this time and last time, that's not a grade at all!"

"This person's name is Du Tianfeng. He is a class-a fugitive wanted at the Huaxia Police Station in the national police system!"

"Moreover, Du Tianfeng was one of the toughest guys in the organization before the drug lord organization collapsed."

"The means of investigating and counter-reconnaissance can be described as pure fire!

"And you, no matter how little you know about these investigations or anti-reconnaissance methods."

"I ask you, what do you do with Du Tianfeng's old-river fight?"

However, we still haven't waited for Liu Shengyao to finish what he said after that.

I saw Zhang Xiaofan was already a lunge at this time, and walked away!

His figure turned into a black afterimage, and after a few vertical jumps, he completely disappeared into the vision of Liu Shengyao and a number of armed police officers and soldiers.

Although, Liu Shengyao was still secretly angry because Zhang Xiaofan was shopping with the unknown "Miss Sister".

However, Liu Shengyao has a bit of irrational taste in his mouth.

But in my heart, if you don't worry about Zhang Xiaofan's safety at all, then it must be deceiving!

In particular, Liu Shengyao knows how difficult it is for Du Tianfeng to know how difficult it is to deal with it.

In Liu Shengyao's heart, she couldn't help worrying about Zhang Xiaofan.

"This guy, isn't it true that the hero is going to chase Du Tianfeng alone, should he be fine?"

"Wait, why should I care about his life?"

"Hmm ... let him beat the hero by himself, and when he hits Du Tianfeng's ambush, he will see what he will do. It's better to be killed ..."

"Uh ... uh ... uh ...."

"This prodigal prodigal son doesn't say that he's full of bad water, and he's especially careful, so he must give him a lesson ..."


At this moment, Liu Shengyao's heart was suffering because of Zhang Xiaofan.

At this moment, a bald man on the other side of the street turned over from the backyard wall of the same residential building.

Directly went to a street that was madly looting the road and wanted to break out of the police siege as soon as possible.

Therefore, Du Tianfeng is also rubbing his feet at this time, relying on the complicated and changeable terrain in this residential area, he is constantly fleeing!

However, although there must be many armed police officers and soldiers in the vicinity of Du Tianfeng, they are surrounded by him.

However, Du Tianfeng felt "stable as a dog" in his heart at this time.

Nothing else, mainly here is a residential area, the police will definitely choose to pull the trigger and drive qiāng because of the innocent civilians in the neighborhood.

Therefore, in the view of Du Tianfeng, no matter whether it is in the right place at the right time or in harmony, he is undoubtedly occupying an absolutely favorable position!

However, when Du Tianfeng's heart was thinking proudly, the pace of the non-stop running was abruptly stopped.

Because at the exit of this small alley at this time, I don't know when a figure will be added.

And this figure ...

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