The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2963: I don't like being pointed at a gun!

This is like the "innocent people" that Du Tianfeng killed in the drug gang organization before!

May I ask, what else can be more intoxicating and enjoyable than holding a person's power of life and death in his own hands? !!

However, what Du Tianfeng didn't think of was on Zhang Xiaofan's face, with a touch of calmness and calmness from beginning to end!

It seems that at this time, it is not the leader qiāng who is standing against his lower abdomen, but just a toy qiāng. There is no threat at all!

"There are many things I don't like, but the least of them is being pointed at by someone!"

While saying this, I saw that the smile on Zhang Xiaofan's face had gradually converged, and his tone came with a bit of coldness and coldness!

After hearing the news, Du Tianfeng, who had already won the game, felt panic and anxiety for no reason at this time.

Obviously, for now Zhang Xiaofan can still show such indifference and calmness when he is pointed by himself with qiāng.

This is undoubtedly also an unexpected thing at the beginning of Du Tianfeng. Du Tianfeng had no idea that things would develop in an unexpected direction!

But such panic did not last long-

Soon, Du Tianfeng realized that, no matter from what point of view, he now has the absolute initiative on his side.

After all, qiāng is still holding in his own hands, and Zhang Xiaofan at this time apparently has no qiāng weapon or other weapon in his hand!

Therefore, in Du Tianfeng's eyes, it seems that Zhang Xiaofan is just a hand in front of himself who can kill and go to the 蹂-躏 lamb, no matter from which perspective.

Since it is a lamb, where does it come from that can threaten him?

Thinking that he was holding a May Fourth hand in his hand, he was still a little bit surprised by a defenseless little red guy.

Even this can be said to be a case of writing suspicious ghosts.

Obviously, at this time Du Tianfeng could not help but glared at Zhang Xiaofan with a sullen and angry expression.

"Shut up for me, little red guy-!!!"

"I advise you to keep your eyes lighter at this time, so you can clearly see the situation now!"

"Now, you have already been pointed by me. What do you use to fight with me, and what qualifications do you have in front of Lao Tzu?"

"Really? Do you think so ?!"

When he said this, Zhang Xiaofan squinted his eyes slightly, meaningfully.

"Do you really think that holding qiāng in your hand can threaten me?"

"Believe it or not, even if you have qiāng in your hand now, I will give you a chance that you will not kill me!"

Zhang Xiaofan said these words while revealing a powerful self-confidence.

"Screams ..."

After hearing what Zhang Xiaofan said in his mouth, everyone in the room took a hard breath!

In their eyes, Zhang Xiaofan's move is purely typical of death and stubbornness. He has been given qiāng to his head ...

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