The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 2965: Tangled Liu Jinghua!

Even through the movie, the scene shown in the TV series is even more crazy than the previous scene in front of them!

However, those scenes were nothing more than computer special effects added later.

What are these computer special effects, and where is this thing that really happened in front of them more convincing, even more shocking and incredible?

At this moment, I saw Du Tianfeng, who had just been arrogant and invincible. At this time, the whole person turned the dead fish's eyes like the stranded fish.

Shocked, horrified, terrified and many other complicated emotions filled his face, making him the entire person completely stupid on the spot.

As if he still doesn't believe it, he was already killed by Zhang Xiaofan's easy second of three, five and two? !!

At the same time, on this Luzhou shopping mall--

The siege of the criminal police detachment and the armed police corps just now continues to expand. In and out, they are searching and investigating the traces of Du Tianfeng who escaped earlier.

As for this time, Liu Shengyao's face could not help but bring a touch of worry.

"What the disciple is doing!"

"Everyone has been there for so long. Why don't they have any news at all? Isn't there really any trouble that can't be solved?"

"No ... no ... no ..."

"My first priority now is to find a way to bring Du Tianfeng, who was out of their police siege, to the arrest as soon as possible."

"Where do I have any extra energy to care about a disciple ?!"

"But ... what if he really has three longs and two shorts?"

"Although he is a bit disgusting, he has helped himself a lot on several occasions."

"It doesn't matter if you help the policemen of the Interpol detachment solve Gumantong's corpse poison."

"Or when in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, it was all relying on Zhang Xiaofan to complete the net closing operation against drug gangs."

"Of course, Zhang Xiaofan also played a major role in this important case in the recent case of Luzhou 12.13 in Dalian, which has indelible credit."

"So ... so I'm not just worried about that apprentice!"

"More than that, it is impossible for this hero who paid so much for the Luzhou Police to be in jeopardy for no reason.

In this way, Liu Shengyao proceeded directly in her own heart, and even she herself thought about it and didn't understand it very well, and said something that was not smooth and comforted herself.

At this point, Liu Shengyao finally made a complete determination in his heart.

With this in mind, Liu Shengyao reached out and said to two armed armed police officers and soldiers.

"I said, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Li, you two should first go to the area of ​​the residential building opposite to see a detailed search."

"If there is any Zhang Xiaofan's footprint, remember to report to your superior immediately!"

I never thought that Liu Shengyao's words were backward. The two heavily armed armed police officers and soldiers looked at each other.

Then neither of them wanted to move, but they took the initiative to explain to Liu Shengyao and said.

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