The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3028: This meal is a bit too cheap!

And Liu Dafu, who was trotting towards Zhang Xiaofan, ——

At this time, when Meng Buding heard the words in Zhang Xiaofan's mouth, his step suddenly became a cricket.

Almost didn't fall directly to the ground, and a fat face showed a helpless and speechless awkward smile.

Think about him. Although Liu Dafu cannot be said to be a big financial crocodile in China, Asia, or even the whole world like "Pharaoh", "Papa Ma", "Little Pony".

But no matter what, he is also a big man with a net worth of over 10 billion yuan.

Since it is a "big guy", then everything must be a "big guy" style. The big guy's "demand" is how can it be possible to have breakfast at this street stall?

If this matter were to be seen by ordinary people, this would also be a kind of "impact" in Doctor Tao's reputation.

After all, a person lives a face, a tree lives a skin, who doesn't want a face!

"Well, I happened to pass by here, but I never thought I could meet you here, Mr. Zhang. It's a real surprise!"

"And ... Mr. Zhang had breakfast before I came, so I don't need it!"

As he said this, Liu Dafu brushed his eyes and looked at the simple, simple table and bench.

And the neatly placed pancake fruit just above, a note of steaming soy milk.

In Liu Dafu's eyes, a subtle sense of rejection was revealed.

It seems that there is a sense of distrust in this kind of street food, and colleagues also feel that their face is a bit unsustainable.

"Mr. Zhang, I said that as far as you are a big man of this status, there should be no reason to be interested in such cheap ... cheap meals? Also, there are some price drops."

"It's better than that, or go to my Yunqi Tea House and sit down."

"It just happened that I had a lot of new signature dishes there, especially the crab soup buns, Cantonese-style morning tea, and nothing else. This is all for Luzhou!

When he said this, Liu Dafu didn't forget to raise a thumb, his face was full of pride.

However, although Liu Dafu is already trying his best to shift the subject and hide his sense of exclusion in his heart.

But this can also lie to ordinary people. Want to hide his "fire eyes and golden eyes" that Zhang Xiaofan does not exist? !!

In addition, as previously, Liu Dafu told him that he just happened to pass here and then saw Zhang Xiaofan.

For Liu Dafu's remarks, Zhang Xiaofan felt more and more disapproved in his heart.

You know, this is not a five-star hotel or restaurant for breakfast, but in this relatively quiet, small, alley.

If at this time, Liu Dafu can happen to meet him, then Zhang Xiaofan would rather believe that the sun will come out west tomorrow.

"I said Mr. Liu, what you said is wrong."

"Everything is now in pursuit of better taste, and everything is done to cater to the tastes of more consumers to make this improvement, that improvement."

"Although this approach can make the food taste better ..."

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