The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3098: Xiangtian Group is finished!

It happened that Zhang Xiaofan was offended by such a cruel man ...

Myself ... how can I continue to mingle in Jiangsu and Zhejiang business circles in the future ...

However, at this time, Ke Jiasheng was thinking in his heart how to get rid of himself in the future and how to resolve the crisis.

When Zhang Xiaofan got sympathy through selling misery, only listening to this time "Om ... Om ... Om ..." The mobile phone in Ke Jiasheng's pants pocket suddenly vibrated again.

After going like that, the market value of Xiangtian Group Co., Ltd. fell sharply in the stock exchange market.

At this time, Ke Jiasheng, there is no doubt that it has become a downright "bird of surprise"!

He didn't even want to think about it, just pulled out his cell phone and quickly pressed the answer button.

However, there was no good news that made Ke Jiasheng feel relaxed from the mobile phone. Instead, he made Ke Jiasheng once again severely fall into the abyss.

There is no doubt that it is worse than bad news.

This is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. He directly gave Ke Jiasheng the whole person to chop the chillin, and he stared at Venus.

Because, on the phone, his secretary told Ke Jiasheng that some of the subsidiaries of Xiangtian Group were already blacklisted by the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce at this time.

As for him, the core member of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce was directly deprived of this status, and was expelled directly from the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, according to Ke Jiasheng's own friends in the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce and some of his eyeliners, he can understand.

The person who made this series of decisions was not someone else. It was the president of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, Yuan Tianhang, who had just "blocked" Xiangtian Group in the stock exchange market!

Besides, this is not the worst news yet--

The worst news is that the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce just held a temporary press conference.

At the time, it was Yuan Tianhang himself who presided over the press conference.

At this press conference of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, Yuan Tianhang righteously rebuked some of the clear and secret commercial competition behaviors that have been done to the Tian Group over the years and the means.

In addition, some of the things that have been sealed for years about Xiangtian Group's inability to see the light are also shaken out by Yuan Tianhang in front of the press conference.

Needless to say, just looking at Yuan Tianhang's influence in Zhejiang Province and even the entire Chinese business community.

I believe that there will be no blind-eyed guy who will choose to conduct business cooperation with Ke Jiasheng and Xiangtian Group under his hands.

And this is just one of them, and the other is because Yuan Tianhang has shaken out a lot of "black materials" about Xiangtian Group.

At that time, I believe it won't be long before the Luzhou Industry and Commerce Bureau will join some relevant departments to start sending special investigation teams to investigate them to Xiangtian Group and some subsidiaries of Xiangtian Group!

Needless to say, in the face of such a desperate situation, even if you want to take it with your back of your head, you can understand it. Xiangtian Group is afraid that it will be completely finished ..

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