The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 3220: Five Dragons Needle!

After hearing Liu Hengxing's questions, the middle-aged man with beer belly looked up at Liu Hengxing, his face was full of doubts.

"okay, I get it!"

Before the middle-aged person continued to talk, Liu Hengxing just shook his hand to interrupt his speech.

Then turn around and open the needle box, and take out three pins with a diameter of about 3.5 inches.

And the three needles were directly pinched into the palm of his right hand, and he was very skilled in disinfecting under the alcohol lamp.

Then, the hands were divided into two, one left, two right, and three silver needles held between the index and middle fingers of the left and right hands, respectively.

"Take off your shirt, I'm going to give a needle!"

After doing all this, Liu Hengxing said lightly to the middle-aged man.

"Liu Shenyi, this is my first injection, will it hurt ?!"

The middle-aged person looked at the silver needles held in Liu Hengxing's left and right hands, and couldn't help rolling the throat knot up and down, and swallowed a spit, astringent voice, and said hardly.

"Relax, it won't hurt, at most it feels like you are bitten by an ant!"

Seeing that the middle-aged person was emotionally nervous, Liu Hengxing also took the initiative to speak comfortably.

"Okay ... okay ..."

Seeing that Liu Hengxing had already spoken to such an extent, the middle-aged man took off his Louis Vuitton shirt just like an upstart.

"Lying on the bed, don't move, close your eyes and take three deep breaths in a row!"

After seeing the patient lying on the treatment bed, Liu Hengxing gave a series of instructions in an orderly manner, and the middle-aged man did not dare to neglect to make one by one.

Seeing this, Liu Hengxing exhaled a long spit from his chest cavity. Both hands suddenly moved at the same time. When they moved up and down, the flat spines advanced.

The middle-aged man seemed to have completely lost any consciousness and feelings—

It was actually lying on the bed without moving, eyes never opened, and what the silver zhēncì entered did not feel any pain in general.

When I saw Liu Hengxing, he was exhibiting such a profound acupuncture method.

This is also what made Zhang Xiaofan on the side look bright and said with surprise; "Five Dragon Acupuncture ?! Never thought, you actually learned this Five Dragon Acupuncture-!!!"

As the saying goes, the layman looks busy, and the layman looks at the doorway.

Like the ten acupuncture needles in Zhang Xiaofan's hands, these five dragon acupuncture methods also belong to the ancient and mysterious Chinese acupuncture method with a long history.

However, compared to Zhang Daoling in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the 13 gates of the ghost gate created by Zhang Tianshi.

There is no doubt that the Wulong acupuncture method, which belongs to the Manqing acupuncture method, is just a "brother" in front of its 13 gates.

Moreover, the Wulong Needle Method has been passed down from generation to generation because it has a history of only 200-300 years.

In contrast, the thirteen needles of the ghost gate are almost extinct because they are too old.

If it wasn't for Zhang Xiaofan's chance, it happened to have learned from the hands of Ge Hong through the heavenly chat group.

Well, maybe after this, the 13-needle Ghost Door Acupuncture, which can really help the dead and flesh and bones, may really never have a chance to see the sun again!

However, although the Wulong acupuncture method can only be called "brother" in front of the 13 gates of the ghost gate ...

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